African Scholar Journal of Contemporary Education Research Vol. 17 No.8


VOL. 17 NO.8 MARCH, 2020 ISSN: 2359–1991



Published by:

African Scholar Publications and Research International,

Centre for African Studies,

University of Ibadan, PO Box 10108, U.I. Post Office,

Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria – West Africa.



Copyright © 2020 African Scholar Publications and Research International.


Security Measures and its Challenges in Tackling Theft and Mutilation of Library Materials: A Case Study of College of Health Technology, Pankshin Library in Plateau State, Nigeria.


Nsok, Lucky Dashuwar & Jacob, Emmanuel Eneojo

Library and Information Science Unit, Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Jos.



This study examines the Security measures and its challenges in tackling theft and mutilation of library materials: A case study of College of Health Technology, Pankshin Library in Plateau State, Nigeria. Two (2) research objectives were formulate to guide the study, which areto identify the Security Measures that can help to prevent Theft and Mutilation, and to identify the challenges associated with efforts in curbing Theft and Mutilation. The population of the study was 20, which includes 7 library staff, 5 security staff and 8 temporary staff. The researcher used the entire population as sample for the study.  The instrument used for the collection of data for the study was Questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using frequency counts and percentages. The findings indicated that the security and management measures that can help to prevent theft and mutilation in College of Health Technology, Pankshin Library, includes: proper checking of bags in the Library, mounting of CCTV camera, unannounced searching of students hostels, among others. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that since some of the causes of Theft and Mutilation of Library Materials are as a result of poor facilities and poor vigilance by library staff, the management should improve Library facilities  especially security equipments, and Library staff should be properly trained so as to prevent theft and mutilation. Photocopying services for scarce Library materials should also be made available for Library users.

Keywords: Theft, Security Measures, Mutilation, Library materials, College of Health Technology, Pankshin




Assessment of Physical Education Time Allotment in the Implementation of Secondary Schools Physical Education Curriculum in Nigeria


Dr. Sani Muktar Bichi.

Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria.



Failure to understand the school system gives rise to non- meeting up to  Curriculum Implementation of agreed plan and leads to non performance. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing secondary schools Physical Education Curriculum in Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples from the Six {6} Geo- political zones and he respondents consisted of head of Physical Education Teachers in the Public and Private Secondary Schools. The data collected were statistically analysed by using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation (SD) to  analyse demographic data and to answer research question: while inferential statistics of One Sample t- test was used to test the hypotheses. The major findings from the study showed that  time allotted to Physical Education with T- Cal of 3.701 and P- Val of 0.009, was obtained. The researcher recommended the need for time allotted to teaching Physical Education as a subject should be strictly adhered for the curriculum to be implemented.

Keywords: Physical Education Curriculum, Time, Allotment, Implementation.




Effects of Kolawole’s Problem-Solving Teaching Strategy and Teachers’ Characteristics on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Mathematics in Nigeria


Olofin Samuel Oluwaseyi (Ph.D)

Dept. of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti.



The study investigated the effects of Kolawole’s Problem Solving (KPS) teaching strategy and teachers’ characteristics on the academic performance of secondary school students in Mathematics in Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined the difference in the pre-test and post-test mean score of students exposed to KPS and conventional strategies. The study investigated the influence of teachers’ qualification, experience and gender on the performance of students exposed to KPS strategy. The study adopted quasi – experimental pre-test and post-test two group design and descriptive research design of the survey type. The sample consisted of 562 S.S.S. 2 students (class intact size) and eighteen Mathematics teachers drawn from eighteen public secondary schools in three geo-political zones of Nigeria namely South-East, North Central and South-West. The sample was selected using multistage sampling procedure. Two research instruments namely Achievement Test in Mathematics (ATM) and Inventory on Teachers’ Characteristics (ITC) were used to collect relevant data for this study. The four hypotheses were analyzed by Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), Two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multiple Classification Analysis at α = 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that the use of KPS enhanced better performance of students in Mathematics than the conventional strategy. Teachers’ characteristics such as their qualification, teaching experience and gender did not influenced students’ performance in Mathematics when exposed to KPS strategy. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that teachers irrespective of their characteristics can make use of KPS strategy in teaching Mathematics.

Keywords: Kolawole’s Problem-Solving, Teachers’ Characteristics, Academic Performance, Students, Mathematics




Self-Perceived Assessment of Employability Skills and Development Opportunities for B. (Technology) Education Students in Kaduna State


*Muhammad, A. S., Ph.D, **Abdullahi, A. M., ***Muhammad, A. M.2*, ****Muhammad, A. Bose.

*Department of Education (Technical), Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria. **Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and Defence Studies, School of Postgraduates Studies, Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna. ***Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Accounting and Management, School of Postgraduates Studies, Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna. ****Department of Social Development, College of Administrative and Social Sciences, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna



This study aimed at assessing self-perceived assessment of employability skills and development opportunities available for B.(Tech) Education students in Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna Nigeria. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. A structured questionnaire used in a similar study was adapted as tool for data collection (Orji, 2013). The tool comprised of three sub-scales. Section A consisting of 32 items gathered data on 10 employability skills categories. Section B and C consisting of 23 and 12 items respectively gathered data from the TVET lecturers on employability skills enhancing activities and sense of efficacy. All the sub-scales were measured based on 5-point rating format. The tool produced internal reliabilities of .930, .880 and .925 respectively computed via Cronbach alpha method. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research findings reveal that the students perceived employability skills competency was very good in the 10 skills components. The TVET lecturers provided a lot of opportunities and activities towards developing employability skills among their students. Equally they had a very high sense of efficacy towards the enhancement of their students employability skills Based on this, recommendations were suggested among which is Management of tertiary institutions should continue to provide conducive environment that will enhance acquisition and development of employability skills by the students. TVET lecturers, instructors and technologists should equally provide enriching activities and tasks, challenging enough to develop student’s competency in numeracy and information retrieval skills.

Keywords: Self-perceived, employability skills, development, opportunities, B.(Tech) students




Adoption of Information Communication Technologies for Facilating Business Education Classroom Instructions in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions


Isiyaku Dauda Dansarki & Fidelia Abang

School Of Secondary Education (Business), Federal College of Education (Technical), Bichi.



Adoption of information communication technologies (ICTs) is fundamental in broad-spectrum of human endeavor due to continuous advancements in knowledge and technological sophistication across the globe.  In developed regions such as Europe, the use of ICTs has become significantly remarkable in all sectors, especially education, whereas in the least developed regions such as Africa (Nigeria inclusive), uptake of ICTs is yet to be fully realized.  But, to be able to cope with global educational ideals, teachers in the least developed regions have to effectively utilize ICTs in their classrooms.  This paper attempts to present highlights regarding the status of ICT adoption in Nigerian tertiary colleges with reference to extant literature and with special focus on business education faculties.

Keywords:   Africa, Business Education, ICT Adoption, ICT Policy, Nigeria, Tertiary Colleges




Attitude of Students to the Teaching and Learning of Aspect of Yoruba Oral Literature in Secondary Schools.


Olawuwo Titilade Muibat (Mrs).

Department of Yoruba, School of Secondary Education (Language Programmes), Emmanuel Alayande College of Education.



This paper examines the attitudes of the students to the teaching of some aspect of oral literature.  Oral literature is eminent in the School Curriculum because it is through which the traditions, customs and norms of each society is tramitted from one generation to the other. The oral literature needs to be taught in School to bring learners back to their roots, to remind them of who they are the culture in them and the tradition to which they belong.This oral literature and their content is now becoming less important in the teaching / learning process in the Secondary Schools. This paper is to find the root causes of making it left untaught in the curriculum. The objectives of the study were to: Find out the Students’ attitudes to learning of oral literature and the reasons behind these attitudes. The sample consisted of all seven (7) Senior Secondary Schools in Oyo East Local Government, 20 students were selected from each of the 7 School. Data were collected with the use Questionnaire.

Keywords: attitudes, students, Yoruba, oral literature, Aspect, Secondary Schools.




Assessment for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning of English Language in Secondary Schools in Katagum Local Government Area, Bauchi State


Amina Bello Katagum

GSE Department of School of Education, AminuSaleh College of Education Azare, Bauchi State



This study investigated the assessment for the improvement of teaching and learning of English Language. The English Language serves as a veritable tool for learning in schools, business transactions and interactional purposes, among other functions. The purpose of the study is to examine the assessment for the improvement of teaching and learning of English Language in Secondary Schools in Katagum Local Government Area, Bauchi State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and a stratified random sampling technique was used to select ten public Senior Secondary Schools in Katagum LGA of Bauchi State. The sample size of two hundred (200) students was selected randomly to participate in the study and the population of the study consisted of Senior Secondary School Students in the Public Secondary Schools in Katagum LGA, Bauchi State. The instrument used for the study was a structured questionnaire designed by the researcher to answer the three research questions that contained fifteen items.The descriptive statistical analysis using tables and the simple percentage was employed. The findings of the study revealed the challenges confronting assessment for improvement of teaching and learning of English Language at the Secondary Schools: inadequate instructional materials, lack of language laboratories, incompetent teachers, shortage of competent teachers of English, lack of Information Communication Technology (ICT) services, among others.   The findings of the study further showed that the attitude of teachers of English constituted the greatest challenge to assessment improvement of the teaching and learning of the subject. Creating a conducive learning environment, provision of language laboratory, academic excellence rewards, in-service training for teachers of English, provision of ICT, to mention but a few, were fundamental strategies for improving assessment of teaching and learning of English Language in Secondary Schools that the findings of the study have revealed. The study recommended the recruitment of competent teachers of English, provision of ICT services, language laboratories, among others, by government, non-governmental organizations and host communities.

Keywords: Assessment, English Language, Learning, Secondary School, Teaching.




Geometric Thought Processes as Correlates of Secondary School Students’ Geometry Achievement in Taraba State


Musa Mohammed Balasa

Department of Mathematics, College of Education, P.M.B 1021 Zing, Taraba State.



This investigation was carried out to determine relationship between students’ thought processes (as measured by their thinking level scores) and their geometry achievement in Taraba State. A correlation design was used for the investigation because it was a study of relationship between variables. From a population of 14, 973 senior secondary two (SS2) students in the state of Taraba, a sample of 1, 170 was selected and used. Also, a sample of 12 out of 118 senior secondary schools was used. Cluster sampling method was used for both selections. Four research questions were asked to guide the conduct of the study and three null hypotheses were formulated and tested at the 0.05 significance level. Our instruments known as Concepts in Geometry Test (CGT), Geometry Items Sorting Test (GIST), Geometry Proof Test (GPT) and Van Hiele Geometry Test (VHGT) were used to collect data. Correlations were done between VHGT scores and CGT scores; VHGT scores and GIST scores; and VHGT scores and GPT scores. The t-test statistic (for significance of r) was used to determine the significance of r at the 0.05 level of significance. The results indicated the existence of strong, positive relationships between students’ levels of geometric thinking and their achievement in geometry.

Keywords: Geometry; thought process; achievement; senior secondary 2; thinking; thinking levels.




Collaborative Flipped Learning in Monolingual and Bilingual Classrooms and Students’ Learning Outcomes in Science in College of Education, Ekiti State. Nigeria


*Oladosu, Adebiyi Toyosi & **Daramola, Mercy Adesola

*Department of Biology, School of Science, College of Education, Ikere, Ekiti State, Nigeria. **Department of Integrated Science, School of Science, College of Education, Ikere, Ekiti State, Nigeria.



A flipped model of personalized learning was adopted using WhatsApp for monolingual and bilingual classrooms. A total of 90 purposive sampled biology students from College of Education, Ikere, Ekiti State, Nigeria were used for the study. The treatments and control groups consist of 30 students each. These treatments groups were flipped before each of the instruction using the students’ WhatsApp application. Meanwhile, monolingual group was strictly restricted to the lingual franca as means of instructional delivery as well as when the students collaborate. In the other treatment group, students in the bilingual could speak the language of their immediate environment during collaboration in the classroom and they were encouraged to do so. Standardized Biology Achievement Tests were administered on the three groups. The findings from the study show that students in the bilingual collaborative classroom performed better than those in the monolingual; and those in the monolingual collaborative flipped classroom performed better than those in the traditional group but without statistical significance difference. It was therefore recommended among others that, language of the immediate environment should be incorporated into instructional strategy when students are collaborating in flipped classrooms.

Keywords: Collaborative, Flipped Learning, Monolingual, Bilingual, Students’ Learning Outcomes




Instructional Materials: A Tool for Improving Performance in English and Yoruba Education among JSS Students of Oyo West Local Government Area of Oyo State


*Idowu, Gideon Sunday **Olatunji, KehindeAjadi & **Ajani, FolakeAdewumi (Mrs)

*Department of English, School of Secondary Education (Language Programmes), EmmanuelAlayande College of Education, Oyo **Department of Yoruba, School of Secondary Education (Language Programmes), Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo



This paper focused on improving performance in English and Yoruba Education among JS.S. Students in Oyo Local Government of Oyo State. The poor performance of learners in English and Yoruba languages in the recent time has called for the concern of the writers of this paper. The instrument used to gather data for this study is self-structured questionnaire which was administered to the respondents. The findings of the study showed that most teachers have failed to deliver purposeful teaching because of the dearth of instructional materials. These materials are the instrument which trained teacher use to execute effective teaching in the easiest way. This paper also highlighted classification of instructional in the teaching of English and Yoruba Languages in schools. It has evaluated the importance of instructional materials in Language teaching. This work has also advanced reasons why the Language teachers (English and Yoruba) need resource materials for effective delivery of a quality teaching as well. This paper recommends among others that Language teachers  need to be resourceful and also should select appropriate instructional materials for teaching as to improve learning of the students. The paper concludes that the teacher of English and Yoruba languages need to familiarize themselves with the instructional materials that are available and how they should improvise for those materials that are not readily available in schools.

Key words: Instructional materials, performance, English and Yoruba Education, Junior secondary school students, Oyo  West Local Government of Oyo State.




Investigating the Impact of Parent-Teachers Partnership on Pre-School Learners in Osun State, Nigeria


Obiagwu, Rebecca Bosede

Department of Early Childhood Care Education, Osun State College of Education, Ila-Orangun.



This study investigated the impact of Parent-Teacher Partnership on Pre-School Education. It has been observed that pre-schools in developed countries enjoy partnership with the parents of children. It also assessed the extent and ways Parents and Teachers Partner in pre-primary education. The study employed the descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised all parents and teachers of pre-schoolers in Osun State. The purposive sampling technique was used in selecting one hundred and fifty teachers and one hundred and fifty parents in Boluwaduro, Ifelodun and Ila Local Government Areas of Osun State, Nigeria. The instrument used was a self designed questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Impact of Parents-Teachers Partnership on Early Childhood Education (QIPTPECE) Data collected was analysed using percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that parents and teachers have positive perception of the impact of parents-teachers partnership on Early Childhood Education (X = 3.21), and the extent to which parents and teachers partner in the area of child development is high (X = 2.95), while in the area of resources (X = 2.57). The ways by which parents and teachers partner in Early Childhood Education in sharing of ideas (X = 2.87),   provision of resources   (X = 2.74). It was concluded that parents and teachers have strong perception on the need to work collectively for the success of pre- school education, some of which are sharing ideas on how could be discipline and providing conducive environment which will boost the performances of the children. Also, parents do not really have the time to involve effectively, some are not well informed on the need to partner with teachers, some are not skilled to give the expected assistance while some is inability to communicate with the teachers and do not have the needful resources. Parents-Teachers Partnership is a vital tool that can help to realize the goals and objectives of Early Childhood Education.

Keywords: Parents, Teachers, Partnership, Pre-School, Learners.




Mitigation of African Indigenous Knowledge


*Omojola Immaculata Olu, Ph.D & **Prof. Kanu, Ikechukwu Anthony

*Department of Business Administration and Management, Villanova Polytechnic, Imesi Ile, Osun State **Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Tansian University, Umunya, Anambra State



African indigenous knowledge is the life style of Africans, based on each community experiences in its wholeness to include their medicine, festivals, agriculture and social life.  It comes inform of oral tradition and transmitted through folk tales, proverbs and idioms.  This paper therefore identified   colonization, modernization, and globalization as major mitigation of African indigenous knowledge. It then suggesst that attention should be paid to method of teaching the African indigenous knowledge to fit in to the present age , adequacy of literature for posterity and educating today’s African youths on the wise use of social media. 

Keywords: Mitigation, Africa and Indigenous Knowledge.




Evaluation of Counsellors Performance in Tertiary Institutions in Borno State, Nigeria


*Alkali Kolo Yagana **Dr. Hamsatu Joseph Pur & **Dr. Lawas Mbahi

*Department of Business Education, College of Education Maiduguri, P.M.B 1469 **Department of Education, University of Maiduguri, P.M.B. 1069



The aim of this research paper is to evaluate counsellor’s performance in Tertiary Institutions in Borno State, Nigeria. The study used  survey design. Two objectives, were formulated and  two research questions were raised. The population of the study consisted of all tertiary institutions in Borno State. However, the study was delimited to 4 tertiary institutions with established guidance and counselling centers. The total number of students and counsellors used in the study was 1,237 students and 4 counsellors selected through simple random and purposive sampling techniques. The instrument used was self-developed questionnaire titled the Evaluation of Performance of Guidance Counsellor (EPGCQ) consisted of 16-items instrument. The reliability co-efficient of the instrument was determined after pilot testing was conducted and the index was found to be 0.80  using cronbach’s alpha. Some experts carried out the validation. One hypothesis tested at  0.05 level of significance guided the study. The hypothesis revealed that there was no significant difference in the performance of guidance counsellors in all the tertiary institutions. Frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation were employed to answer the research questions.  The result showed that performance of guidance counsellors on the six guidance  services are very significant. The study also revealed that there was a discrepancy exists in the client-to-counsellor ratio in all the tertiary institutions under study. The actual ratio of students in all the tertiary institutions is greater than the ratio standard. Based on the findings of the study it can be concluded that mechanism for evaluating the performance of guidance counsellors are not in existance in all the tertiary institutions and also guidance counsellors are scarce in all the tertiary institutions. Based  on the findings  the  study recommended   that  National Universities Commission (NUC) and National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE). should organize periodical evaluation of counsellors’ performance in all the tertiary institutions and also employed enough well trained counsellors to man the counselling center.

Keywords: Evaluation, Counsellors, Performance, Tertiary Institutions, Borno State.




The Effect of Insurgency on Education among Tertiary Institutions in Maiduguri Metropolis Borno State


Babagana Mohammed1 Alhaji Lawan Kawi2 & Maryam Kyari Kanami3

1&2Public Administration Department Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri 3Liberal Studies Department Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri



The study stands to examine the effects of insurgency on education among tertiary institutions in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno state. Relevant literature as its relate to the study were reviewed. Frustration aggression theory is adopted as a theoretical guide for the study. By the way of methodology, the researcher uses survey method of data collection through the instrument of questionnaire administered to the target respondents. The sample size of the study is (366) out of the total population of (1390). The sampling technique is multi stage sampling which incorporate both simple random and stratify sampling technique. From the study, it is concluded it is concluded that insurgency has significantly affected education as it relates to children becoming dropout, brain drain among the available academic staff & school academic calendar among tertiary institutions in Maiduguri metropolis Borno state. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that Government should provide support to parents which will encourage them to enroll their children to school in order to avoid the chances of their children becoming dropout. Government should provide tied security that will prevent attack by the boko haram member which will enhance facilitating school activities. In an effort to address this, the government should design a workshop training to for teacher to reduce the fear and anxiety among staff which develop psychological difficulties as a result of grief at the loss or maiming colleagues which make the staff unsecure and device strategies for addressing security challenges in the affected area.

Keywords:  Insurgency, Education, Tertiary Institutions.




The Adoption of Mobile Technology for Learning in Public Universities in Ogun State


*Adegboyega S. Oyewole **Anayo V. Eyeke ***Adesola O. Bello ****Adekunle A. Olojede

*Dept of Business Education, Michael Otedola College of Primary Education, NOFORIJA-Epe, Lagos **Department of Statistics, Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria ***Department of Mass Communication, Olabisi Onabajo University, Ago-Iwoye. ****Dept of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Olabisi Onabajo University, Ago-Iwoye.



This study investigates the influencing factors of undergraduate students’ adoption of mobile technology for learning in Public Universities in Ogun State. The study specifically examined the influence of undergraduate students’ perceived satisfaction, perceived ease of use and perceived accessibility on the adoption of mobile technologies for learning and assessed if there is any difference in the perception of undergraduate students on the usefulness of mobile technologies for learning according to sex and age. The study makes use of primary data sourced through adapted questionnaire. Data collected from a random sample of four hundred (400) students from two public Universities in Ogun State was analyse using the regression Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique. It was found out that undergraduate students’ perceived satisfaction, perceived ease of use and perceived accessibility have a significant positive influence on the adoption of mobile technologies for learning in Public Universities. It was also found that age and sex do not have a significant joint and independent influence on the adoption of mobile technologies for learning while undergraduate students perceived accessibility, perceived satisfaction and perceived ease of use have a positive significant joint and independent influence on the rate of adoption of mobile technologies for learning in Public Universities. The study concluded that the perception of undergraduate students on the satisfaction, ease of use and accessibility enhance the adoption of mobile technology for learning among undergraduate students in Public Universities in Ogun State. Among others, the study recommended the need to encourage undergraduates by procuring, providing or subsidizing mobile technologies that can be adopted for learning by education stakeholders. Also, there is a need to add a section for M-learning application to prepare a visible and audible guide for the students.

Keywords: Learning, Perception, Mobile technology, M-learning, Undergraduate students




The Polytechnics in Higher Education Institutions (HEIS) in Nigeria for Human Capital Development


Umar Muazu Tadama1, Nana Aisha Kaigama2, Danchal Comfort Vandu3 and Faisal Lajenso4

1Department of Chemical Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Mubi. Adamawa State – Nigeria. 2Department of Business Administration and Management Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Mubi. Adamawa State – Nigeria. 3Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Mubi. Adamawa State – Nigeria. 4Department of Computers Science Technology. Federal Polytechnic, Mubi. Adamawa State – Nigeria.



Human capital refers to the embodiment of productive skills and technical knowledge stock in labour which serves as a means of production, into which additional investment yields additional output. It is equally known as the knowledge, hands-on-skills and competencies as well as other characteristic attributes found in persons that are relevant to economic growth. Human capital has also been defined as an intangible asset, best thought of as a stock of embodied and disembodied knowledge and innovative skills that is formed through investments in schooling, on the job training as well as through research and development projects and informal knowledge transfers. The objective of the paper is to examine the polytechnics as one of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria as an approach towards oriented practical working life and closely connected with their respective regions and regional development prospects in human capital development. Polytechnics had strengthen their links with working life and their competence in workplace development, especially as regards the needs of small and medium entrepreneurships (SMEs) and regional development.

Keywords: Polytechnic, HEIs, R&D, SMEs, Graduate Placement, Labour Market, Working Life, Innovations, Skills Development.




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