VOL. 23 NO. 8 DECEMBER, 2021 ISSN: 2359 – 1991
Published by:
African Scholar Publications and Research International,
Centre for African Studies,
University of Ibadan, PO Box 10108, U.I. Post Office,
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria – West Africa.
Copyright © 2021 African Scholar Publications and Research International.
Influence of Inter-personal Relationship on Personality Development of Adolescents’ in Secondary Schools in Nasarawa State
Ewuga, Lucky Ekka; Muhammed, Ayuba Zaki; & Ibrahim, Affiniki Faith
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi.
This study investigates the influence of inter-personal relationship on personality development of adolescents’ in secondary schools in Nasarawa State. The study adopts a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study consists of 30, 496 students’ SS II students’ in public Secondary Schools in Nasarawa State. A sample size of three hundred and seventy nine (379) SS II students of was selected from the population using the Krecie and Morgan table of sampling. Multi stratified random sampling strategy was used to select six junior secondary schools from the 13 local government areas of Nasarawa State. The study ultilised a researcher modified four likert scale instrument titled: Questionnaire on influence of Inter-personal Relationship on Personality Development of Adolescent in secondary school in Nasarawa State, (QIIPRPDA) for data collection. The validity index and the reliability index obtained through internal consistency method of estimating reliability is 0.79 and 0.83 respectively. The study employed the use of chi-square to test the research hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of this study indicate that inter-personal relationship had significant influence on personality development of adolescents in Nasarawa State; inter-personal relationship had significant influence on moral development of adolescents in Nasarawa State and inter-personal relationship had significant influence on social development of adolescents in Nasarawa State. The study therefore recommends that family members, teachers, parents’ and other major societal stakeholders who maintain close contacts with adolescents in any ramification should endeavour to establish and maintain a cordial relationship with which they reinforce their care and concern towards the well being of the adolescents; morally incline curriculum contents should be reemphasized in schools, home and every other institution of the society which will help imbibe in the adolescents, the moral standards of the society in the course of their interaction.
Keywords: Personality Development, Inter-Personal Relationship, Adolescents, Social Development, Moral Development.
Child Friendly Learning Environment a Panacea for Ineffective Learning
*Dr. Aminu Sani; **Dr. Abigail S. Karfe; & *Dr. Nwunuji Emmanuel Garba
*Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Taraba State University, Jalingo. **Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Taraba State University, Jalingo
The paper centred on child friendly learning environment: A panacea for ineffective learning. The paper dwelled on proper definition of concepts, which include child friendly environment concept of learning, relationship between child friendly environment, and motivation to learn. Also, qualitative research approach was used to draw the important data for the study. The sources of data were past these, UNICEF annual report, journals, books and periodicals. Conclusion and recommendations were made to improve learning environment for effective learning. The paper indicated clearly that child friendly environment is a panacea for ineffective learning of school children.
Keywords: Child, Friendly, Environment, Panacea, Effective, Learning
The Effect of Christianity and Western Education on the Culture of Certain Communities in Gombe South: Spinsterhood/Widowhood
Dr Yusuf Dambura Lakama
Department of Religious Studies, Gombe State University, PMB127; Tudun wada, Gombe
The study assesses the ways in which Christianity and Western Education have affected the conceptions of Spinsterhood and Widowhood amongst Gombe South communities. Before the inception of Christianity in Gombe South, spinsterhood hardly existed. When it occurred, the culprit was condemned and accused of bringing shame in the affected family. To the girl it was a stigma which delayed or denied the girl a desired marriage. The girl could get a husband of her choice and if she might have one, he was either an older bachelor or married man. The study is anchored on the African theoretical framework of “A clean society” which served as a means of protection by the Gods. The stigmatization which was a deterrent to young girls served as a way of controlling fornication and adultery. The problem now is the high rate of spinsters in the communities of Gombe South. In the same manner, widows who were considered as responsibility of the family of the deceased husbands and were taken care of have now remained alone with their children, inherited properties left behind by their deceased husbands. Like the spinsters, the number of widows keeps on increasing in population, hence the rate of problems in the society. The researcher therefore aims at addressing the causes, implications and possible solutions of the growing number of spinster and widows in Gombe south, Nigeria. Library works, electronic sources, interview reports and empiricism are the methodology adapted in data collection. Literature reviewed presents global existence of spinsters, bachelors and widows; which have many implications in civil society.
Keywords: Christianity, Western, Education, Spinsterhood, widowhood, Gombe- south
Resource Utilization as Predictor of Lecturers’ Effectiveness in Universities in Kwara State, Nigeria: A Partial Least Square Approach
Yusuf Suleiman1, Olajide Olamide Jemeelah2, Adetunji Lukman Olajide3, Katibi Sekinat Olatinuke4 Oniyeye Nusirat Olufolakemi5
Department of Educational Management and Counselling, Al-Hikmah University, Kwara State, Nigeria
The purpose of this study was to investigate resource utilization as predictor of lecturers’ effectiveness in universities in Kwara State, Nigeria. Sequential mixed-methods research designs (quantitative and qualitative) were adopted for the study. Population consists of 3,927 lecturers of universities in Kwara State using stratified and simple random techniques to select 351 respondents. Research instruments titled “Resource Utilization and Lecturers’ Effectiveness Questionnaire (RULEQ) was used to collect relevant data. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Partial Least Square of Structural Equation Modelling were employed for data analysis. Findings revealed resource utilization as perceived by lecturers. Also, findings indicates a significant relationship between health, library, classroom and lecturers’ effectiveness. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that adequate resources must be provided for lecturers for them to be more efficient and effective in the area of teaching, research and community development.
Keywords: Resource Utilization, Lecturers’ Effectiveness, Kwara State, Nigerian Universities, PLS-SEM
Parents’ Perception of Child Labour and the Child Rights Act in Suleja Emirate of Niger State Nigeria: Implications tor Counselling
Rev. Fr. Dr. Bahago Samaila Benedict; & Dr. Uchenna Ennem
Department of Educational Foundations (Guidance and Counselling), Veritas University, Abuja
The growing trend of child labour phenomenon in Nigerian society has become relatively endemic and cuts across gender and age. Majority of the children in Suleja Emirate of Niger state work before or after school and under harzadous and harmful conditions. In other words, such pupils combined work and school together. Farm work, welding, me chanical and Carpentry apprenticeships, barbing saloon and hair dressing apprenticeships as well as shop keeping and street trading and begging were the main forms of child labour which children are forced in to labour by parents. As a result of this, the researcher aimed to ascertain parental perceptions of the nature of child labour in Suleja emirate and as well looked into the problem of child labour and its effects or consequence on the children and their future as it is being operated in Suleja Emirate of Niger State. Data was collected from a sample of 220 respondents- 80 parents (male and female) who engaged their children in child Labour, 40 who did not engage their children in child labour and 100 children male and female that are engaged in child labour. Personal interview and interviewer-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. A number of important findings were made: Child labour was in full practice in Suleja Emirate. Majority of the children worked before or after school and under harsh and harmful conditions. Parents in Suleja emirate indicated that the nature of child labour is cultural and others attributed child begging to religious reasons because for them, children are not working just because of economic necessity but for cultural and religious reasons. The effects of work on the children were very adverse. Some children had no time at all due to pressure of work and school together. On the whole it is recommended that child labour adverse effects and the child right act awareness campaigns should be organized by government and non-governmental agencies and be discussed at town hall meetings with parents to enable parents become more aware of the adverse effects child labour has on children. Also, trained Industrial or Employee Counselors should be extensively used by Government and non-governmental officials in such town hall meetings with parents to enlighten ignorant parents on the child rights act and its implications on parents still engaging children in labour. There is also an urgent need for an adequate understanding by professional counselors of the socio-cultural and economic factors that drive child labour persistently, in order to design and execute the most suitable mechanisms for intervention and prevention in Suleja emirate and our society at large today.
Key Words: Parents’ Perception, Child Labour, Child Rights Act, Suleja Emirate
Marketing Library and Information Services in Academic Libraries: A Case of Abubakar Tafawa-Balewa University, Bauchi
*Ishaku A. Adamu; *Yahaya S. Muhammed; & **Ibrahim Usman
*University Library ATBU, Bauchi. **Muhammadu Wabi Library, Fed. Poly. Bauchi
This study was designed to investigate marketing library services in academic libraries the case of Abubakar Tafawa-Balewa University, Bauchi ,The study employed a descriptive survey research design. The population consisted of 26 academic librarians which were used for the study. five research questions guided the study. Sixty nine items questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The data were analyzed by use of frequency tables, percentages and mean score. The results of the data analyzed revealed that the need for marketing library services is to achieve the objectives of the library and enlighten the users on the relevance of library use. The library services available and marketed are lending services, seating and study facilities and reference services. The most widely used technique is exhibitions and display of new materials and staff friendliness to users. The competencies required for librarians in marketing library services are ability to answer users query and ability to question and evaluate library services. Furthermore, the findings of the study revealed that lack of funds, lack of facilities to market library services and librarians not willing to market library services are factors militating against marketing library services. Based on the findings it was recommended that more funds should be allocated to libraries for their development. Trainings, workshops, seminars should be organized for librarians to enlighten them on how to market library services. Library school’s curriculum should be redesigned to accommodate marketing courses. It is also very necessary for librarians to be committed to their work and improve their services.
Keys: Marketing, Web-based, resources and Library
Contributions of the 7th District Head of Gwadabawa, (Sarkingobir Muhammadu Zayyanu, Reign 1974-2013) in Agriculture and Education: An analysis of Perceptions from His Subjects
*Yusuf Sarkingobir; **Aliyu Umar Sharu; & *Abdulrahman Hamza
*Department of Biology Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria **Department of Islamic Studies, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria
Traditional leaders continue to exert respect and undeniable influence among indigenous people despite the intrution of the Western system. They served as an instrument for development and vehicle for administrating government good policies. The objective of this paper was to determine the contributions of the 7th District Head of Gwadabawa, Alhaji Muhammadu Zayyanu MFR in the furtherance of education and agriculture.The Mathods utilized in this study comprises an investigative crossectional survey. Therein, convenience sampling was used to interview selected key informants and broach on related literatures was performed. Sarkigobir Muhammadu Zayyanu obtained Islamic education since during childhood. He was also made to obtained Western education to the level of attending Northern Clerical College Zaria. Then, he started some works and later turnbaned as Sardauna Chimmola. From CHIMMOLA he was promoted to Tangaza as District Head (Bunun Tangaza). In 1974 he was transferred to Gwadabawa as Sarkingobir Gwadabawa, wherein he led upto 2013. Therein, in the course of his leadership he made huge contributions in various facets. Particularly, the contributions of Sarkigobir Gwadabawa Muhammadu Zayyanu in education and agricultural sectors were described. He was a large scale farmer who engaged in farming and animal keeping as role model to his subjects and peers. He ensured peace in the reconciliation of famer and herders crises by persuasive approach in most of the case. His court served as a hub for channeling government policies in agriculture. In terms of education, he had made his quotas. Parable, by establishing an Islamic school at his home, by enrolling his children (especially females) at Western schools, by giving financial and moral augment to Western education development. Conclusively, Sarkingobir Gwadabawa Muhammadu Zayyanu had made several contributions to agriculture and education during his leadership course.
Keywords: Education, agriculture, Western education, animal husbandry, Gwadabawa District, Sokoto Caliphate, perception
In-Service Training: A Tool for Improving Teacher Quality in Basic Education in Kwara State, Nigeria
*Jamiu, Mahmood Suleiman; **Issah, Abolaji Yusuf; ***Issa, Sulyman Danzaria; ****Yusuf, Olarewaju Ibrahim; & *****Salihu Nurudeen Oganija
*School of Education and General Studies, College of Arabic and Islamic Legal, Studies Ilorin, Ilorin. Kwara State, Nigeria. **Computer Science Department, College of Arabic and Islamic Legal, Studies Ilorin, Ilorin. Kwara State, Nigeria. ***School of Law, College of Arabic and Islamic Legal, Studies Ilorin, Ilorin. Kwara State, Nigeria. ****School of ICT Department of Library Science, College of Arabic and Islamic Legal, Studies Ilorin, Ilorin. Kwara State, Nigeria. *****Guidance and Counselling Unit, Quality Assurance Section, Ilorin West I G E A, Kwara State Nigeria
The need for this study was prompted by the general apathy towards the in-service training as a tool for improving teacher quality in basic education level in Kwara State. It treats concepts such as in-service training, pre-basic schooling and basic schooling; their relevancies and constraints in Nigeria education context. Also, the study observed the government total commitment in achieving standard (qualitative) education through in-service training. In-service training therefore needs reawakening. One major importance of what the study observed among others was that teachers have become conscious of the need to make personal efforts to uplift themselves above their present status for both intrinsic and extrinsic considerations. The pre-test post-test quasi experimental design was employed and samples drawn from three senatorial district co-education senior secondary schools in Kwara state. The paper recommended that in-service training should be vigorously pursued and implemented through regular funding in order to reform positively the transitional stages of career awareness of learners at the pre-basic and basic education level and to give basic education to all by the year 20- 20- 20.
Keywords: In-service training, Tool, Teacher quality, Basic education and Improving Teacher Quality
Contrastive Study of Question Markers in Standard Yorùbá and Ọ̀họ̀rí Dialect
Olawuwo Titilade Muibat
Department of Yoruba, Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo
This paper identified the question markers in Ọ̀họ̀rí dialect and the standard Yorùbá language. It also compared the syntactic structures of the question markers in interrogative sentences in Ọ̀họ̀rí dialect and standard Yorùbá. This was done with a view to bringing to the fore the syntactic similarities and differences between the dialect and standard Yorùbá. The data were collected from the speakers of the Ọ̀họ̀rí dialect from Yewain the following villages: Ọ̀húnbẹ́, Ìgbémẹ̀, Mòru, Ọ̀bẹlẹ̀, Ìláràá, ìdí ẹmi etc and Republic of Benin in following towns: Ìpóbẹ́ (Pòbẹ́), Ìṣágbà, Ìṣẹ̀dẹ́, Ìṣòwú. The data collected were analysed using Government and Binding theory. The study found that although the two dialects of the language are of the same origin, Ọ̀họ̀rí dialect is lexically distinct from the standard Yorùbá in its question marking because it deploys different grammatical words. It concluded that markers of interrogative sentences in Ọ̀họ̀rí dialects were different from those of the standard Yorùbá language in terms of its form and structure. However, these markers occupy the same syntactic position.
Keywords: Standard Yorùbá, Ọ̀họ̀rí, dialect, question markers.
Awareness and Perception of Librarians on Marketing of Library Services in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Library, Bauchi
Abdulaziz Hamza; and Aminu M. Makama
The study investigated awareness and perception of librarians on marketing of library services in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Library, Bauchi. In carrying out this study, questionnaire was distributed to thirty-five (35) academic librarians and senior library officers, twenty-seven (27) copies of the questionnaire were returned and found usable and this formed the sample size of the study. The study revealed that 93% of staff knows what library marketing is all about, and they have very positive perceptions towards marketing library services. Majority of staff prefers one on one conversations, published guides, newsletters, leaflets and flyers, social media as the best marketing strategy in the library. However, ignorance of marketing concepts, lack of support, high cost of marketing and lack of necessary marketing skills are some of the challenges the staff faced for a successful implementation of marketing library services. The study recommends training and retraining of staff as well as user education programmes on awareness and use of marketing strategies should be introduced. Furthermore, the university library management should also identify staffs that are capable of implementing some successful marketing strategies in the library, The University library should also collaborate with the LIS Department in the University in designing a curriculum to inject some of marketing courses that are the new trends in the field if library and information profession when the needs arise.
Keywords: Awareness, Academic Library, Librarians, Marketing, Perception, Promotion, Strategies
Influence of Self – esteem on Academic Achievement of Public Senior Secondary School Students in Gashu’a Education Zone, Yobe State Nigeria
Umar Adamu Maina; Tijjani Salleh Abba; Hamza Hamza; and Umara Lawan Bukar Dadingel
Yobe State College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Gujba
This study investigated the influence of self – esteem on academic achievement of public senior secondary school students in Gashu’a Education Zone Yobe State, Nigeria. For the conduct of the research, two objectives and two hypotheses were used. A correlational design was adopted for the purpose of this research work. The total population of the study was (7117) from six public senior secondary schools. A sample of 364 students was selected which made up of 184 male and 180 female students (SS 1 and SS 2) through purposive random sampling technique. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale questionnaire was used to measure self – esteem and end of term academic examination scores of students for data were collected. Pilot testing was carried out on two senior secondary schools which were not part of the present research. The instrument was found to have r=0.58 as its reliability coefficient. Rosenberg Self – esteem scale questionnaire was distributed to the student participants and data collected was analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) Statistic. Independent sample t-test was used to find out academic differences between high and low self – esteem students. The findings showed that there was significant positive relationship between self – esteem and academic achievement among respondents P= .006. This finding also indicated no significant difference between the academic achievement of students with high self – esteem and those with low self – esteem (P = .305). Based on these findings, it was recommended that teachers and parents should help develope students’ self – esteem by assisting them feel and think positively. This would encourage them to improve their academic achievement.
Keywords: Self – esteem, Academic Achievement, Influence
Indiscipline among Senior Secondary School Students in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council of Borno State: Causes and Effects
*Adamu Aliyu Kwamta; **Goni Shettima; ***Usman Audu; & ****Yahi Kabu
*Department of Educational Foundations, Kashim Ibrahim College of Education Maiduguri, Bonrno State. **Department of Education, Bonrno State University. ***Department of PRE- NCE, Kashim Ibrahim College of Education Maiduguri, Bonrno State. ****Department of Christian Religious Studies, Kashim Ibrahim College of Education Maiduguri, Bonrno State.
Indiscipline among students in Nigerian secondary schools remained a source of great concern to stakeholders as it had caused a lot of mental, emotional and physical damage in the society. This study investigated the causes, effects and probable ways to curbs indiscipline among secondary school students in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council of Borno State, Nigeria. Qualitative research approach of the case study type was used. The study population was senior students, teachers and school administrators. Convenience sampling procedure was adopted to obtain the sample. Focus group discussion and key informants interview were used to obtain information from students, teachers and school administrators. Discussion groups made up of seven members who volunteered to participate in the study were constituted for students and teachers. Fourteen discussion groups were constituted for students while teachers had twelve. Focused group discussion (FGD) was employed to collect data from the groups guided by sets of questions while key informant interview was employed to collect data from school administrators. Data obtained were qualitatively analyzed using manual inductive method for content analysis. The results revealed that home back group, peer group influence, inadequate standard rules and regulations, luck of school counselors constituted the causes of indiscipline in schools. The study also revealed that low academic performance, disruption of school activities and breeding of irresponsible members of the society constituted the effects of indiscipline. It was recommended among others that schools administrators should have standard rules and regulations with punishment for all offenses and rewards for good behaviours. Counseling activities, sports, clubs and society should be intensified and done by qualified persons.
Keywords: Indiscipline, Causes, Effects, Students, School.
The Roles of Punctuation Marks in Writing and Reading Skills
Muhammad Safiyu Aliyu; Babangida Ahmed; & Mohammed Yakubu
School Of Remedial And Continuing Education, A.D Rufa’i College Of Education, Legal And General Studies, Misau, Bauchi State, Nigeria
This article is intended to study the roles of punctuation marks in the art of writing and reading with a view to looking into how important the proper use of punctuation marks can make the any English write-up to be more meaningful and how using punctuation marks wrongly can affect the meaning of the meaning intended to be delivered to the audients or to the readers. The article is also among other things attempting to look into the punctuation marks in English and the meaning and places proper utilization, and some common mistakes in using punctuations and the negative of that in the message intended.
Keywords: Roles, Punctuations, Marks, Skills, Reading.
Citizenship Education in the 21th Century for Nigerian Polytechnics
Akilu Umar Bakari
School of Business and Management Technology, Department of General Studies, the polytechnic Bali.
Three substantial problems are visible in the teaching of citizenship education in the polytechnic. Firstly students are studying the courses only with the intention of passing their examinations and getting a diploma. Secondly the issues of ideology. It is whenever we notice the problematic that we will appreciate the ideology attractiveness of the course, which hinges on Western developmental framework. Thirdly the problem encountered by the teacher of citizenship education. He must of necessity involve his natural unavoidable alternative to writers of authority on the law, history, economics, political science, sociology and so on. He will also ascertain the frustration, which he faces as a result of the response of the students and the larger Nigerian society. Actually, education for involved democratic citizenship as an educational drive overcomes the disintegration transversal connections of the different devotions, and could become a part of citizenship consolidation. Inside this fresh interest in educating for a democratic and partaking citizenship, there has been a focus on the cure of social and environmental harms ascending from the certainty that education must be focused towards the foundation of a serious and publically involved citizenship, helping to realize social reality and its problems and to build social thinking to manage the difficulty of this reality, and encouraging participation in the formation of democracy and enlightening cohabitation.
Keywords: Citizenship Education, 21the Century, polytechnics, Nigerian.
Mathematics Education in Sub-Saharan Africa Status, Challenges, and Opportunities
Abubakar Abdullahi Madaki
School of General Studies and Management Technology, Department of General Studies, Mathematics Unit, Federal Polytechnic Bali, Bali, Taraba State
Increasingly, mathematics is seen as an important vector of opportunities for economic and social advancement and mobility. There are currently concerns that economic development in the sub-Saharan region is being hampered by the limited availability of high-quality education. In particular, the poor performance of mathematics in schools is seen as a major obstacle to improving economic and social outcomes at the individual and national levels. The main objective of the study was to examine the current state of mathematics education in this large and diverse region of Sub Africa, analyze the learning gap between countries in the region, and look at the efforts to improve mathematics education in sub-Saharan countries. The outcome and results of this study will expose the variety of necessary prerequisites needed to boost performance in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics subjects to realize the full potential in the competitive global market and use of new technologies.
Keywords: Mathematics, Education, Sub Saharan Africa, Status, Challenges, opportunity
Effectiveness of Teaching Methods in English Language on Acquisition of English Language Skills in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya
Okoro Henry Okechukwu
School of General Studies, Department of Languages, Federal Polytechnic, Oko.
The study sought to establish the effectiveness of the various teaching methods on the acquisition of the English language skills. The study was carried out in public secondary schools in Nairobi County. The objectives sought to find out the various teaching methods used in English language, the effectiveness of the lecture methods on acquisition of English language skills; the role of role playas a teaching method in promoting acquisition of English language skills and the effectiveness of questions and answer methods on acquisitions of English language skills. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. The questions sought to identify the various method used in English language in Nairobi County, and their effectiveness. The data was collected using three instruments. The student’s questionnaire sought to find out whether the like or dislike English, the methods that are mostly used by their teachers during the English lessons and the skills acquired using those methods. The teacher’s questionnaire sought to find out the methods that they used mostly the reasons that they used them and the skills that are acquires when the methods are used. The observation schedule sought to get the real classroom experience in terms of the teaching methods used during the English lessons, the skills acquired and the supplementary materials used by the teachers during the English lesson. After an analysis of how the method promotes the acquisition of the English language skills, it was established that each of the methods enhances acquisition of the English language skills. The four skills in English namely: writing, listening, reading and speaking form the core of the English language. The researcher suggested that in view of delimitation of the study further research in a wider and different area preferably the rural areas. That further research be conducted to investigate other factors that contribute to acquisition of English language skills.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Teaching, Methods, English Language, Public Secondary Schools, Nairobi County, Kenya.
Effect of National Feeding Programme on Pupils’ School Attendance in Chanchaga Local Government Area, Niger State
Anozie, Regina; and Mohammed Bala Banki
National feeding programme is strategized to enhance and sustain elementary education as well as improving nutritional intake in school children. One of the primary objectives of the scheme is to retain and improve school attendance in government schools. After 5 years of implementing the school feeding programme in Nigeria, This study seeks to evaluate the effects of feeding programme on school attendance in Chanchaga local government area of Niger state. Quantitative data were employed during this study. There are 34 public primary schools in Chanchaga LGA that benefit from the feeding programme and 9 schools were sampled to represent the nine geo-political wards in Chanchaga LGA. Pupils in primary 1 to primary 3 are the ones benefitting from the feeding programme. A total of 1,363 questionnaires were distributed across the 9 schools using macorr online calculator to determine the sample size of each school. Results showed that 52% of the pupils were females and the menu for feeding was based on local crops grown within the state. Majority (78%) of the pupils attend school without food in their lunch flask while 57% of the pupils do not take money to school for feeding purpose. This study revealed that, pupils’ average school attendance is higher (2,541,420 annually) after the commencement of school feeding programme in Chanchaga LG than before (2,081,160 annually) the commencement of school feeding programme. The p-value reported for equal (0.008) and unequal (0.009) variances is lower than .05 implying that there is a statistically significant variation in pupil’s school attendance before and after the commencement of school feeding programme using T-test. National School Feeding Programme is a good programme that aid parents and households. Research has shown that it is a booster of school attendance in Chanchaga Local Government Area. Government should extend the programme to classes 4-6 so they can also benefit from the feeding programme.
Keywords: Attendance, Feeding, Programme and Pupils