African Scholar Journal of Built Env. & Geological Research Vol. 27 No. 4


VOL. 27 NO. 4 DECEMBER, 2022 ISSN: 2196-1789



Published by:

African Scholar Publications and Research International,

Centre for African Studies,

University of Ibadan, PO Box 10108, U.I. Post Office, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria – West Africa.


Copyright © 2022 African Scholar Publications and Research International.


Analysis of Challenges affecting Community Participation in Public Infrastructure Development in Ibadan


1Adedokun, A. R. 2Fayomi, I., 3Oguntokun, B. F., & 4Soretire, O.O

1,2,3Department of Estate Management, Lead City University, Ibadan. 4Department of Tourism and Hospital Management, Lead City University, Ibadan.



It has been established that one of the major causes of Nigeria’s stunted growth is the massive decline in public infrastructure development and community participation. Hence, this study is aimed to analyzing the challenges of community participation in public infrastructure development in Ibadan. This study applies a positivist philosophy to survey research design. A non-probabilistic sampling technique was adopted in the process of selecting the sample of the study, the data was then analyzed using the statistical package SPSS version 25 to produce results in line with the questions in order to reach the appropriate conclusions. The chi-square analysis method was used to evaluate the association between challenges in community participation and public infrastructure development. The findings of this study revealed that both a significantly positive linear and causal relationship exists between community participation and public infrastructure development. It is further recommended that the community leaders should encourage and enlighten members on the significance of participating in community activities.

Keywords: Community Participation, Public, Infrastructure, Development




An Examination of the Causes of Delay in Road construction projects and its impactful consequences in Abuja -FCT


*Prof. Yayok P. K (PhD); **Godwin A. Agi; & ***Aliyu Mohammad

*Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja; **Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Abuja – FCT; ***Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA) Abuja



The study assesses the road project delay causes and their impacts on highway projects in the federal capital territory Abuja, Nigeria.  The population consisted of all the elements that are under investigation for this particular research – all the professionals and other workers within the Abuja Road construction industry.  Through stratified random sampling techniques, a sample of 100 participants was selected for the study. The instrument used for data collection is the questionnaire, the questionnaires were self-administered. A descriptive statistical method (Relative Importance Index RII and the mean value) is used to analyse the data collected for this study since the research work is based on descriptive research. The problem of project delays is a fact that occurs mostly in construction industry of Nigeria. Delays are always measured as expensive to all parties concerned in the projects and very often it will result in clash, claims, total desertion and much difficult for the feasibility and it slows the growth of construction sector. For analyzing the causes of delay, an appraisal of the main objective of this study is the identification of causes of delay and their consequential impact on the success and completion of selected road projects in Abuja. The most common factor of delay amongst others includes – financial and payment problems, improper planning, poor site management, insufficient experience, shortage of materials and equipment etc. This paper covers the delay factors and causes of delay with recommendations that will help in reducing these delays in large construction projects in Nigeria.It is also recommended that effective collaboration and communication within the construction sector and its stakeholders in road construction should be fostered in order to facilitate delivery of road project on agreed time. The issues of finance have been indicated as one of the leading factors causing delay in road construction project, it is recommended that all stakeholder involve should release money at the appropriate time especially from the government side.

Keywords; Project Delay, Road Construction, Consequential impact, effective communication.




Uncertainty in Residential Property Valuation in Yola, Adamawa State: Estate Surveyors and Valuers Perspective


Vincent Yakubu1, Maryam Salihu Muhammad2 & Adegbenga Adeyemi3

1 Postgraduate Student, Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Faculty of Environmental Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. Nigeria. 2&3 Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Faculty of Environmental Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. Nigeria. 



The study focused on “Estate Surveyors and Valuers perspective in addressing uncertainty in residential property valuation with a view to determine the causes of uncertainty in residential property valuation in Yola.”Investigations were conducted on causes of uncertainty in residential property valuation, and ESV’s Perspective about the uncertainty in residential property valuation in the study area. Interview method was used in data collection, which was analysed using the thematic approach in qualitative data analysis (using MAXQDA). The findings of the study revealed that incomplete data, market instability, poor data analysis, measurement error in adjustment, and poor valuation techniques and extrapolated data are the likely causes of uncertainty in residential property valuation in the study area. Recommendations made in study are establishment of data bank by Estate Surveyors and Valuers for easy access to data, the update of Nigeria Valuation Standard is needed and also Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria should provide step in dealing with uncertainty in valuation at times of market unrest. Each estate firm in Yola should have Land Information System (LIS) that can be accessed by both Adamawa branch members of Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyor and Valuers (NIESV).

Keywords: Uncertainty, Valuation, Estate Surveyors and Valuers, Residential property.




Examination of Rental Default by Commercial Property Occupiers in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria


Zainab Adetoro Folorunso; & Rukaiyat Adeola Ogunbajo.

Department of Estate Management, Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.



The effect of rental defaults by commercial property occupiers cannot be over-emphasised, as the rate of default is increasing at an alarming rate. Rental default arises when occupiers of commercial properties fail to carry out their obligation of fulfilling the financial requirements as when due. This phenomenon has led to several issues on the part of the property managers and property owners, including delays in mortgage payments, poor maintenance, and a host of other problems. This study investigates the prevalence of rent defaults among owners of commercial property in Minna, Niger state, to stop this unsightly occurrence of rental default and related attendance concerns in commercial buildings. This is done to give property owners in the study region more authority over their decisions. The study used a survey methodology in which 311 residents of 38 purpose-built retail complexes (PBSC) received questionnaires via simple random distribution. The received data was examined using percentage and frequency distribution. The results depicts that 52% of the respondent pay their rents as at when do and 48% defaults in the in payment, this shows that the rent default amongst tenants of PBSC in study area is fair.

Keywords: Rent Default, Commercial Property, Property Owners/Managers, Tenants




Assessment of Strategies for Maximizing Profitability in Small and Medium Construction Firms in Abuja


Aliyu, Mohammed; & Ola-awo, A. W.,

Department of Quantity Surveying, School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.



This study investigated profit maximisation strategies by small and medium-sized construction firms in Abuja with a view to improving the construction organization’s profit margins. The data for the study was gathered using a questionnaire. The questionnaire copies were administered to two hundred and twenty (224) questionnaire respondents, and one hundred and fifty-five (155) were retrieved, representing a response rate of 69%. A purposive sampling technique was adopted for the study. The analysis of the data was carried out with the use of percentage, mean item score, and T-test. The study identified sixteen (16) factors affecting the profit maximisation of construction firms, which are the supply costs, the degree of competition faced by a firm, time, and the strength of demand. The findings revealed that the majority of the hypothesised measures of profitability are perceived as statistically significant (p < 0.05 by the respondents using the one-sample t-test value of 3.5). The average barrier score ranges between 3.20 and 4.36. These measures of profitability ranged from “investment” (mean = 4.36; SD = 0.66; t (155) = 16.16; p = 0.00 < 0.05), which is the highest ranked, to “liquidity” (mean = 3.20; SD = 0.63; t (155) =-5.78; p = 0.00), which is the least ranked). The findings also revealed that time, supply cost, unexpected problems, project overhead, weather, and rate of return are the most important challenges faced by contractors that affect the realisation of profit maximisation. The study also revealed that of the seven strategies to maximise construction firms’ profit margin, the minimization of waste is the most effective strategy. It was, however, concluded that minimising waste, setting profitable goals and improving productivity skills were the most effective strategies for maximising profitabilty in small and medium-sized construction firms in Abuja. The major recommendation from the study is that the government at all levels should put in place favourable policies that will allow small and medium-sized construction firms to thrive in the study area and in Nigeria at large.

Keywords: Strategies, Maximizing, Profitabilty, Small and Medium Construction Firms




The Effect of Residential Quarters Maintenance Practice Provision on University Staff Residents’ Satisfaction


Adeyemi, Adegbenga; Kalu, Joseph Ufere; Ishaq, Mohammed; and Otutu, Lucky Absalom

Department of Estate Management and Valuation; Faculty of Environmental Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria



The extent of satisfaction of Resident of University Staff Quarters on the maintenance practice relative to the amount charged as consideration for occupying such residential quarters has been a matter of interest with respect to the advantages of such housing and the possible effect such satisfaction will add to the job satisfaction and ease of access for such staff especial the academic ones. The study is aimed at determining the extent of satisfaction academic and nor-academic residents of University staff quarter derive relative to scope of maintenance practice provided and the amount charged for the accommodation. The quantitative research method was adopted for this research, with data collected using questionnaire. The simple random sampling technique approach was used to collect data for the study. 115 housing units were sampled, a sample size of 86 was adopted. A total of 86 questionnaires were distributed among residents of the ATBU staff quarters at Kari estate and Yelwa campus both academic and nor-academic. The data retrieved were analyzed using descriptive and Partial Least Squares regression statistics. The study showed that the extent of maintenance provision for the staff quarters is having an aggregate mean score of 2.62 in a five-point Likert scale, which is ranked poor. Also, the level of residents’ satisfaction with the maintenance showed an aggregate mean score of 2.97, which is ranked “fairly satisfied”. The study established a significant positive effect between resident’s satisfaction and the level of maintenance provided on the staff quarters with a p-value of 0.001 which is less than 0.05. Furthermore, there was no significant effect on the relationship between residents’ satisfaction and amount charged as rent an insignificant effect with resident’s satisfaction, with a p-value of 0.890 which is higher than 0.05. The study concludes the academic and nor-academic staff’s satisfaction is increased with improvement in the quality of building maintenance at the staff quarters.

Keywords: Maintenance, Resident Satisfaction, Residential Staff Quarters, University, Rent




Assessment of the Impact of Flood Reoccurrence on Crop Production in Parts of Kogi State, Nigeria


Unanka, Bona Don Duke; & Prof. M.B. Yunusa

Department of Geography, Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State



The impact of reoccurring flood events have been observed in areas such as Okene and Idah Local Government Areas as well as other areas experiencing floods leading to displacement of populations with the built environment destroyed and agricultural losses. It has not only left several people homeless, destroyed their agricultural businesses and built properties. Therefore, these devastating and recurrent impacts of floods will form the basis of this paper. The sources of data used in this study include primary and secondary sources of data. Data collected for this study were analysed statistically through frequency percentage, mean, logic regression model, 5-point likert scale and 3-point likert type scale in the study area. The study revealed that the highest annual rainfall was recorded in the year 2010 with 1683.1mm while the lowest annual rainfall was recorded in the 2009 with 938.7mm. This shows that annual reoccurring flood events is increasing since one major cause of flood events is increased annual rainfall of the study area. The study revealed that the causes of flood hazard in the study area include heavy rainfall, poor drainage system, overflow of River Niger and Benue, blockage in the drainage and siltation of the river. The study established that 41% of the household’s experiences loss of crops on farmland, 29% indicated loss of properties and building, 20% loss of human lives and livestock, while 10% indicates the loss of money. Most of the losses to these assets were attributed to farmlands and households’ proximity to flood prone areas. From the study, it was clear that farmlands and produce were affected by reoccurring flood events and this has affected the source of income of the farmers located in the study area. The current coping strategies being employed by most respondents were not very effective. The finding revealed that the flood coping strategies were not sustainable because they had been using them and yet the situation did not seem to improve.  Kogi State Ministry of Agriculture should through the Extension Services encourage the communities to increase the area cultivated on the upland to enhance the food security at household level.

Keywords: Flood, Flood Reoccurrence, Crop Production Farmlands, and Farm Produce




Impact of Climate Variability on Water Supply and Distribution in Chanchaga and Bosso Local Government Areas, Niger State, Nigeria


Jibrin, Abdullahi; & Suleiman, M.Y.

Department of Geography, Federal University of Technology Minna



This paper examined the impact of climate variability on water supply and distribution in Chanchaga and Bosso Local Government Areas, Niger State, Nigeria. The study used both primary and secondary data sources. The primary data were sourced from the administration of questionnaire to two groups, namely, selected agencies of government directly involved in water supply management and the general public located in the study area. Other primary data include oral interview and field survey. Secondary data sources include water supply, rainfall, temperature and relative humidity which were sourced from Niger State Water Board Minna and Nigerian Meteorological Agency (Abuja). The methods of data analysis include linear trend, multiple regression and descriptive statistics. The result revealed that the distribution of annual rainfall tend to be increasing despite the fluctuation in some years (2004 to 2006, 2013 to 2015). The highest annual rainfall was recorded in the year 2012 with 1520.9mm while the low annual rainfall was recorded in the 2013 with 793.5mm. The result also shows that there is gradual rise in temperature and reaching its peak in the later days of February through March to April. Since this period coincide with dry season, recharge to groundwater reduces which affect water availability and distribution across the study area. The finding shows that the highest water supply was recorded in the month of September with 410M3 while the lowest was recorded in the month of May with 240M3. The distribution shows that 2006 ranked the highest with 4410M3 while the 2007 ranked the least with 3754M3. Correlation coefficient of 0.65 for water supply indicates moderate degree of association between maximum temperature and annual water supply. Correlation coefficient of 0.57 for water supply indicates moderate degree of association between relative humidity and annual water supply. This shows that, the higher annual rainfall, the higher the water supply. This study has described in detail the impact of climatic variability on water supply and distribution in study area.

Keywords: Climate Variability, Water Supply and Distribution, Annual Rainfall




Assessment of Health and Safety Management on Safety Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Construction Companies in Abuja


*Abdullahi, H.1; & Mohammed, Y2

Department of Quantity Surveying, School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria



All over the world, construction is regarded as one of the most hazardous industries due to its unique nature. As a result, construction workers face different kinds of safety and health hazards while working every day. As a result, this study aims to assess the impact of health and safety management on the safety performance of small and medium-sized construction companies in Abuja. The study adopted a quantitative research approach, which included the use of a questionnaire. The population of the study includes professionals working with registered small and medium construction companies in Abuja. Based on the chain referral method, 25 small and medium-sized construction companies in Abuja were identified, and 130 respondents were sampled from the identified companies. A snowball sampling technique was used to select the small and medium construction companies. Purposive sampling was used in selecting the respondents from the identified firms. The questionnaire was then served to the professionals in the population purposively, and a total of 104 questionnaires representing an 80% response rate were retrieved. The data collected was analysed using a mean item score and a t-test. ) health and safety practises were identified during the research. The two most successful health and safety practises utilised by small and medium-sized construction enterprises in Abuja, ranked first and second, are safety rules and procedures and safety communication. From “management commitment” and “safety communication and feedback,” which are rated highest, to “safety training,” which is ranked lowest, these correlations between safety management practises and safety performance vary. A threshold of 3.50 was established to get the most significant association based on the mean score. Six (6) safety management practises had scores of over 3.50 and were thus deemed important. The second-ranked factor, unemployment, came before this. It was discovered that the study’s criteria had a significant impact on how well small and medium-sized construction firms performed in terms of safety. This study concludes that there is a substantial correlation between the safety performance of small and medium-sized construction enterprises in Abuja and recommends that the companies should make sure that their staff receive continuous education on proper equipment selection and usage.

Keywords: Health and Safety, Management, Safety Performance, Small and Medium-Sized Construction Companies




Environment and Smart City in the 21st Century: A Case Study of Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria


Garba Umar1, Iliyasu M. Anzaku2, Alkali Mohammed3 & A.T Ogah4

1&4Department of Geography, Faculty Environmental Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa State. 2Department of Science, School of Continuing Education, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. 3Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa State



This Study examine the extent of smart city development in the 21st Century in the FCT Abuja, Nigeria data for the study were sounded from both the primary and secondary sources of data. The findings revealed various development- Abuja at one of vision 2020 of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to build a smart or turn the Federal Capital Territory as one of the smart city in the World. It is believed that if current efforts are sustained, the removal of government funds from infrastructural development of the city by the Land Swap arrangement would continue to free funds for more investments into security. This will make for more CCTV cameras, for example, to be provided at more strategic points such as motor parks, recreational centres, etc in the city. This, in turn, would discourage criminal and terrorist activities and ease crime cracking. Health and educational facilities has also been improved. The researchers was tasked with exploring the challenges related to engaging citizens in public space designs, and how smart city models could enhance the process and the delivery of the outcome. Upon excellent evaluation of the internship outcome, Schiedam Municipality agreed to fund the doctoral research. The FCT, Abuja has successfully presented a fruitful case study when it comes to investigating digital citizen participation for several reasons.

Keywords: Environment, Smart, City, Century, Development




Evaluation of Day Lighting Level in the Design of Library at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria


R O Aliyu; & C Y Makun,

Department of Architecture, School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State, Nigeria



The various effects of daylighting in coordination with the visual comfort of users and their general health in building environments generally cannot be overemphasized, In recent times there are growing concerns about building academic libraries with sustainability in view to enable and help aid visual comfort and the overall health of its occupants in the various academic libraries in higher tertiary institutions. Thus academic libraries serves as an important part in the overall essence of higher institution learning because its connects students and researchers to higher knowledge and information, which made libraries one of the most used buildings in the covid and post covid -19 era.  The post covid-19 era led men to in-depth research which may help in reducing the risk of transmission or even help prevent the spread of the virus, but also improve air quality and lower energy requirements through the use of sustainable building materials. The various use of daylighting as a controlled architectural tool on users preference, perceptions, satisfaction and behavior in university libraries was examined in this study, Passive strategies were employed through consideration of the sun orientation, Climate citing, window placement and also focusing on healthy building environment with sustainable design in terms of indoor and daylighting strategies  The methodology employed in this paper includes both qualitative and descriptive research methods. Then, the various outcomes were obtained based on these standards and methods used. This research filled the gap in the literature on healthy built environments with sustainable design strategy regarding building performance. This paper intends to combine sustainable strategies especially daylighting based on thermal quality and indoor environment quality to achieve a healthy built environment for its users.

Keywords: Sustainability, Built environment, Day lighting, indoor quality.




Residents’ Satisfaction with Public Infrastructure Provision in Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria


1Ibrahim Idris, 2Sadiq Tukur, 3Adamu Muhammad Liman

1,2 Department of Estate Management and Valuation, , Faculty of Environmental Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, P.M.B 0248, Bauchi State, Nigeria. 3Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Federal Polytechnic Bauchi, P.M.B 0231, Bauchi State, Nigeria



The focus of this paper is to assess the Residents’ satisfaction with public infrastructure provision in Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria, with a view to proposing areas of improvement. The study adopted the use of quantitative approach and data were collected through questionnaire survey from 382 household heads proportionate selected from target population in Bauchi metropolis. The data collected was subjected to descriptive with mean ranking. The study revealed that the residents were not satisfied with almost public infrastructural facilities provided. The study recommended that the providers of public infrastructural facilities should give more emphasis on health facilities, water facilities, electricity facilities, education facilities and security facilities to meet the resident’s preference and therefore lead to the higher satisfaction of infrastructural facilities provision.

Keywords: Residents’ Satisfaction, Infrastructure Provision, Preference, facilities




An Awakening Call to Opportunities of Outsourcing Cleaning Services as an Alternative to In-House Cleaning in an Organization


*Igoche Frederick Omachoko; **Jerry Joseph Mamman; & ***Mabadeje Joshua A.

*Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria. **Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria. ***Architectural Department, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria.



The study examines the benefit and impact of outsourcing cleaning service in solving cleaning problems in Bank of Agriculture Plaza, Bauchi, Bauchi State Nigeria. Primary data using questionnaires were collected from 36 members of staff of the Bank selected using purposive sampling. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistic. The result shows that there is significant difference in cleaning service quality before and after outsourcing. This by implication means that the quality of cleaning service improved after it was outsourced. With the satisfaction achieved through outsourcing cleaning services, the study recommends that the Bank should sustain the outsourced cleaning services for more improved administrative efficiency and resource appropriation.

Keywords: Outsourcing, Cleaning Service, In-House, Bank of Agriculture, Bauchi.




Assessment of Risk Management in Building Construction Projects


Abdullahi, Hashim*1, Nicholas Kunle Ogundipe 2

1Quantity Surveying Department, Niger State Polytechnic Zungeru. 2Onich Global Service, Flat 2 Nanfat Estate Opposite ECWA church, Federal Polytechnic Road Bida, Niger State.



Buildings have been considered as one of the most valuable assets of a nation to provide people with shelter and facilities for work and leisure.This research is aimed to assess risk management in building construction projects in Abuja with a view to improve the performance of building construction projects in the study area. These study objectives are determining the key critical risk factors associated with building construction projects in Abuja, examine the level of awareness do project managers have about the critical risk factors, identify existing risk management measures that are being utilized to manage risk factors in building projects, and determine the level of success of these risk management measures been applied.The research methods will include in-depth fieldwork, observation, questionnaire administration, interviews, collation and processing of field data. The research instrument will be questionnaire that will administered with the aid of systematic random sampling. The findings of this study will contribute to the existing filed of knowledge in risk management in building construction projects.




Techniques and Approaches to Access Management in Urban Areas 


1Lawal Kabir Tunau; 1Yakubu Usman Mohammed; and 2Ibrahim Mamman

1Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal Polytechnic, Mubi Adamawa – Nigeria. 2Department of Environmental Science, School of Environmental Science Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Mubi Adamawa – Nigeria.



Highway safety has been a primary concern for our society since the automobile began using the roadways. However, even with all the efforts on improving vehicle safety such as seat belt use, safer cars, fewer drunk drivers, and baby seats, traffic accidents remain the most likely cause of death for any reason for all people between the ages 1 and 24 years – not disease, murder or any other cause. After age 24, traffic accidents are the most likely cause of accidental death. This study appraises the Techniques and Approaches to Access Management

in Urban Areas. It highlights the benefits of access management which includes safety benefits, sustainability benefits etc. It suggests that when access proliferates excessively, highways lose their intended function and capacity causing a rapid increase in accidents. Arterial roads, originally designed to connect communities., instead become congested with local traffic, leading to delays and safety problems not only for motorized traffic but also for pedestrians and other non-motorized traffic. The study concludes that highway safety has been a primary concern for our society since the automobile began using the roadways. However, even with all the efforts on improving vehicle safety such as seat belt use, safer cars, fewer drunk drivers, and baby seats, traffic accidents remain the most likely cause of death for any reason for all people between the ages 1 and 24 years – not disease, murder or any other cause. After age 24, traffic accidents are the most likely cause of accidental death.

Keywords: Appraisal, Techniques, Approaches, Access Management, Urban Areas




Sustainable Housing Development through Mechanized and Industrialised Building System: The Nigerian Approach


Anyanwu I.U; Emery Joseph Otah; and Oforndu F.I

Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Building Technology Abia State Polytechnic Aba.



To achieve sustainable housing development in Nigeria, natural building material resources must be used sustainably. Industrialised Building System (IBS) is a method where prefabricated components are used for construction in sustainable manner. This study investigated the prospects, challenges, and strategies for improving IBS usage for sustainable housing development in Abuja, Nigeria. The method adopted was purposive sampling technique where questionnaires were distributed to 100 built environment professionals, who handle housing projects. Data obtained from the 80 questionnaires returned were analysed. The findings revealed that conventional method of construction is still prevalent. The challenges to IBS adoption for sustainable housing development are; insufficient IBS manufacturer, unfamiliarity due to resistance to change, enormous capital cost and lack of government intervention. The study concluded that Government support and increase awareness on the prospects of IBS would improve the usage of IBS in sustainable housing development.

Keywords: Industrialised Building System, Housing, Sustainable Development, Construction Method, Building Materials




Maintenance Management Practices of Building in Nigeria


Bldr. Dr. Olowoake, Mohammed Adelaja

Department of Building Technology, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Ogun-State



It is observed that, a general paucity of funds allows for poor maintenance of built environments across both the federal, state, local governments, and some non-overnmental organisations buildings in Nigeria. The study further reveals that, lack of use of the appropriate procurement strategy; maintenance method and budget; over reliance on letters of complaints from the assets users;  absence of a quality control unit within works and services department; and lack of sustainable programme for the entire built environment have effects on the effective and efficient maintenance of the built environments in Nigeria. Maintenance management of built environments  in Nigeria to an appropriate and acceptable standard requires the adoption and use of appropriate procurement strategies (that is, outsource or insource or combine the two strategies);-maintenance method(curative or condition survey or preventive or combine them); Maintenance budget(prepared based on the previous year’s budget plus a certain percentage addition or plus consideration for the prevailing market prices of materials, or from budget forecast, or from data collected by carrying out reconnaissance survey of the built environments). Others include survey of Users satisfaction of the built environments( reliance on letters of complaints from the assets users or carrying out surveys on users satisfaction twice in a term time); Quality control of projects before, during and after construction); and sustainable programmes for the entire built environments(which include provision of regular supply of water, electricity, improved plumbing systems, telephone systems, lift systems, gas supply, facilities expansion, and staff training and development).  The outcome of an initial exploratory study of the topic areas mentioned above in relation to build environment in Nigeria are presented in this paper. The research adopted and used a qualitative research strategy that made use of a series of semi-structured interviews with the maintenance officers of works and services sampled in Nigeria.  Suggestions are made to assist key decision makers to use developed maintenance framework, plus maintenance control toolkit as enduring solutions to maintain-ability challenges of built environments that is supposed to give comfort to the users in Nigeria.

Keywords:  Assets, Budget, Environment, Maintenance, Procurement, Quality, and Sustainable.




Effect of Repositioning Land Titling for Wealth Creation in Nigeria


*Esv.Uwaezuoke Ngozi Ifeanyi; **Esv. Olowoleru Olaitan Adedeji; ***Esv. King Olawunmi Ridwan; *Abdulkareem Reshidat Arike; & *Esv. Oladoja Ismaila Olawale

*Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin. **Federal polytechnic Offa. ***Lagos State University of Science & Technology



When de Soto published his challenging book on The Mystery of Capital in 2000, it evoked an immediate reaction among international aid agencies, researchers on land policy matters and persons concerned with poverty alleviation and urban development issues, while some reactions were positively enthusiastic in their acceptance of the idea of land titling as a panacea for poverty alleviation and socioeconomic transformation, others were critical of his seeming simplistic approach while a few condemned the idea outright as being unrealistic and impracticable. Almost a decade since, experiential evidence from various parts of the world where land titling has been adopted while some suggest that it is only part of the solution to the endemic problems of sustainable land development and social wealth creation. This paper examines land titling practice in Nigeria which questionnaire are use to derive information on inherent inadequacies in the approaches commonly used particularly as regards the impact on the economic fortunes of rights holders generally and also of the government at its various levels. Suggestions are offered on the best way to reposition land titling procedurally and systematically in order to achieve the objectives of wealth creation, poverty alleviation and economic efficiency.

Keywords: Land Titling; Wealth creation; Land Policy; Land Rights




The Concept of “Form Follows Function” in the Practice of Architecture in Nigeria, an Overview


Agbodike Chinedu Chigozie

Department of Architecture, Federal Polytechnic PMB 1012, Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State, Nigeria



Over so many years ago, more specifically in the late 19th and early 20th Century Architecture, “Form follows Function” has been a principle of design which states that the shape of a building or object should primarily relate to its intended function or purpose. Architects have all these years, come to realize that the phrase was first coined by an American Architect Louis Sullivan who helped to develop the first steel sky scrapers in late 19th century Chicago. This period was a transformative one for Architectures, as the new technologies and construction methods that developed during the industrial age meant that old and established styles could be adapted or replaced. This paper unveils that the principle suggested that rather than buildings being designed in accordance with past precedents or stylistic trends, the purpose of the building would determine its form. it also reviewed and made references on what a form is, what a function is, how form is seen to be following function in any architectural building design and the practice of Architecture in Nigeria among others.

Keywords: Concept, Form, Function, Practice, Architecture, Nigeria.




The Implication of Solid Waste Management on the Health of Residents in Ilorin West Local Government of Kwara State


Adekanye, Emmanuel Sunday1; Akinbami, Babatunde Saheed2; Familua O. Solomon3; & Akinyede A. Olumide4

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin.1&2 Department of Achitectural Technology, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin.3 Department of Surveying and Geo-informatic, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin.4



Urban areas in Nigeria today, are facing the problems of pile heaps of solid wastes in their environment. This is as a result of pressure of population growth, spontaneous urbanization and industrialization. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effects of solid waste management and its implications on the health of the residents in the study area with the view of making some possible suggestion towards sustainable environmental sanitation in the area. A total number of 260 copies of questionnaires were administered using a purposive sampling technique while 250 cpoies were retrieved and analyzed. It was discovered that most of the wastes that are prominent in the study area are either garbage or paper/nylon, The study also shows that 24.8% of residents make use of sack for the collection of waste, 21.6% make use of bucket for the collection of waste, From the study it was also revealed that 40.8% of respondents in the area disposed their waste through personal efforts which is the highest while 32.4% make use of government agency among others The research project concludes with recommendations which proffer solutions to the identified problems in the course of the study, such as; Improved funding of the sanitation and health board responsible for solid waste management in the state, continuous enlightenment of the people, encouraging private sector in active management of waste ,Control of waste disposal system staff officers by the agencies, channelization of liquid waste to the location of septic tanks, employment of well trained and skilled personnel provision of waste vehicles in the study area, provision of well experienced and capable manager of environmental waste, Adequate patrol/monitoring of waste sites involved, provision of security personnel to the various waste sites, among others.

Keywords:  Waste, Environment, Public health, Management, Environmental waste, Health, Environmental health.




Evaluation of Users’ Satisfaction with Hostel Management Facilities and Services in Tertiary Institution in Minna


Eyinla Opeyemi Lucky1; Sule Abbass Iyanda2

Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi Edo State1 Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Federal University of Technology Minna2



The study evaluated the users’ satisfaction in tertiary institution in Minna. The employed census sampling to administer 785 based numbers of hostel rooms across the selected tertiary institutions and total number of 560 questionnaires were returned. The study employed both descriptive analysis of mean and relative important index to establish the level of satisfaction among the users. The study firstly carried out cronbach alpha test to reliability of the responses from the respondents, the result revealed that there is high level of internal consistency among the responses. The hostel facilities were sub-divided into physical features, social amenities and management services, the result of relative important index revealed that 0.672(67.2%), 0.573(57.3%) and 0.621(62.1%) for  physical fixtures, social amenities and management services respectively. This result revealed that users of the hostels were fairly satisfied with functional performance of hostel facilities and the study therefore recommends that there should be regular maintenance of hostel facilities as to improve the users’ satisfaction in the tertiary institutions. 

Keywords: users’ satisfaction, tertiary institution, hostel, facilities, physical fixtures, social amenities and management services etc.



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