African Scholar Journal of Contemporary Education Research (AJCER) Vol. 15 No.8


VOL. 15 NO.8 SEPTEMBER, 2019 ISSN: 2359–1991



Published by:

African Scholar Publications and Research International,

Centre for African Studies,

University of Ibadan, PO Box 10108, U.I. Post Office,

Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria – West Africa.


Copyright © 2019 African Scholar Publications and Research International.


Social Studies as a Tool for Promoting Security Education towards Sustainable Development in Nigeria


*Oyesikun Joshua Oyekale (Ph.D) *Akinola David Babatunde (Ph.D) And **Umar Bashiru Bako (Ph.D)

*Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Educational, University of Abuja, Abuja. **Department of Social Studies, School of Arts and Social Science, Niger State College of Education, Minna.



The position of this paper is that security is highly instrumental to development in human society. That notable development can only be attained in a situation of adequate security. The paper further discusses the concept of national security, security education, sustainable development and social studies education. The content areas of security education intrinsic in social studies education are highlighted, while some security problems of individuals and of the nation are stated in question form. The paper does not only presents some strategies for global sustainable security, but it also explains how security could be taught through social studies. Finally the paper concludes that security is indispensable to sustainable development. It is therefore, recommended that security should be given adequate attention because of its “leakage-effects” and to complement this, individuals should be made to eschew all manifestations of insecurity in order to maintain and sustain already achieved development and to crave for more. Avoiding insecurity is the greatest form of security.

Keywords: Social Studies Education, National Security, Security Education and Sustainable Development.




Youth Restiveness and Societal Challenges in Taraba State: The Role of Islamiyya Schools in Curbing the Menace


*Dr. Aminu Sani **Chrispina Hassan Garba **Dr. Abigail S. Karfe

*Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Taraba State University, Jalingo **Department of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Education, Taraba State University, Jalingo



The paper discusses youth restiveness and societal challenges in Taraba State. The role of Islamiyya schools to curb the menace. The paper started with the introduction, where concepts definition of youth and restiveness were given in relation to societal challenges and classification relevance of youth to political, economic, educational and social developments of a nation in respect to their agility and intellectual competence. The paper also covered the causes of restiveness which the paper classified as societal challenges of youth restiveness in Taraba state. Those causes included bad governance, unemployment, poverty, lack of basic infrastructure and illiteracy. The paper also covered with good number of citations from Islamic scholars the role of Islamiyya schools to instill moral virtues to students in order to curb the menace of restiveness. Conclusion was drawn for the paper in the review of the role of Islamic schools in societal development and finally, recommendations were drawn for governments, parents and the proprietors of Islamic schools for better performance.

Keywords: Youth, Restiveness, Challenges, Islamiyya Schools, Taraba State.




Selected Variables Influencing B. (Technology) Education Students Attitudes towards Research Methods in Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria


*Ahmed Mustapha Shina, PhD **Abdullahi Sabo Muhammad, PhD

*Al-Hikmah University Ilorin, Nigeria. **Department of Education (Technical), College of Science and Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna



The current research investigated selected variables exerting influence on B.(Technology) Education students attitudes towards research methods in Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria. Four research questions and four null hypotheses formulated and tested at .05 alpha levels guided and directed the study. The research adapted a descriptive survey design. A sample size of 200 participants was selected from the population using proportionate stratified random sampling technique based on the Industrial and Vocational programmes. Three sets of standard instruments used in similar studies were adapted as tools for data collection. The tools are Attitudes towards Research and Statistics, Academic Self Efficacy and Effort scales (Li, 2012). Composite reliability coefficients of .839, .851 and .866 were computed using the famous Cronbach alpha technique. Data collected were analyzed using both the descriptive and inferential statistics. The research findings revealed that the B.(Tech) education students attitudes towards research method is significantly positive. In addition, positive attitudes towards statistics, high academic self efficacy and high effort among the students significantly influenced the students’ attitudes towards research methods. Based on these findings, recommendations were suggested which include among others, educators/lecturers of research methods should continue to utilize suitable teaching methodology, strategies and techniques to maintain positive attitude, and incorporate ICT in the teaching of statistics and research methods. This will greatly reduce the phobia and difficulties associated with learning the subjects and facilitate better achievement motivation.

Keywords: Attitude, Statistics, Research, Effort, Academic Achievement.




Impact of Positive Relationship between Teachers and School Inspectors towards Effective Implementation of School Curriculum


Baba Ibrahim Mohammed

Department Education, Bauchi State University, Gadau



The study investigated the role of education inspectors in curriculum implementation in public secondary school of Bauchi State, Nigeria. The study was essentially qualitative with some aspects of quantitative approach. Simple random sampling was used to select 113 teachers from public secondary schools, and purposive sampling was used to select 5 school inspectors. In the same vein, Systematic random sampling was also used to select 20 secondary schools. Therefore the sample size included 20 schools, 5 inspectors, and 113 teachers. Questionnaires was used to collect data from the respondents, and data collected were subjected to the statistical package for social science to establish descriptive analysis statistics for the quantitative analysis and thematic analysis for the qualitative analysis. The study found that school inspectors offered professional support to the teachers towards curriculum implementation, therefore teachers admitted that they benefitted a lot from school inspectors. The study therefore recommended that more school inspectors should be recruited and the existing ones should be reinforced by giving them opportunity to participate in training, conferences, workshops and seminars. The study also recommended more studies need to be conducted in this area.

Keywords: Curriculum, Implementation, School Inspectors, Teacher, Relationship




Effect of Chemistry Practicals on Student’s Performance in Chemistry in Senior Secondary Schools In damaturu Local Government, Yobe State.


Dr. Ahmad Tahir Adamu Koki,

Yobe State University, Damaturu



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of chemistry practicals’s on student’s performance   in   chemistry in Damaturu  secondary schools.   The main objectives of the study were to establish of any significant difference in academic achievement in chemistry between students exposed to chemistry practicals’s and those not so exposed. This was against the backdrop of the need to find out the appropriate role played and the reality of what is actually achieved by chemistry practicals especially with continued decline in academic performance  in secondary school chemistry. The specific objectives of the study were to: evaluate the effect of the nature of chemistry practicals, examine the effect of quality chemistry and effect of frequency of chemistry practicals on students’ performance in secondary school chemistry. The research design used for the study as a survey. The population consists of students in Yobe Islamic Centre and Nana Aisha College of Islamic theology secondary schools in Damaturu, Yobe state Nigeria with an estimate of 590 students. The sample comprised teachers and 95 students, drawn using simple random sampling technique to select the schools and students used for the study. Modified questionnaire on effect of chemistry practicals  on students’ performance which was self-designed and was  used as instrument to collect the data for the study. The data was analyzed using percentage counts. The result shared that the use of chemistry practicals in teaching and learning of chemistry at secondary school level, improved performance in the subject. There were differences between the percentage score. That is, students’ exposed to chemistry practicals have higher percentage than those not exposed. On the effect of nature and quality of chemistry practicals the result shared that a strong relationship existed between performance in chemistry, nature, quality and frequency. It was further found that a majority of students (83.0% and 85.0%) respectively agreed that the use of chemistry practicals make learning to be enjoyable to students and increase their understanding of concepts.   The study recommended that students’ be given an opportunity to engage in “deep learning” during chemistry practicals and that due consideration should be paid to improving school conditions and teacher’s capacity, for   effective   implementation   of chemistry   curriculum.   The   researcher further recommends   that   information   and  communication   technology   (ICT)   should  be integrated in teaching and learning of chemistry, especially in chemistry practicals since the computer and it’s internet access have a lot of potential of improving chemistry performance.

Keywords:  Performance, Practicals, Secondary   school.




Students’ Achievement in Foundry and Forging Technology: Effects of Exploration and Scaffolding Instructional Strategies


Mijinyawa, E, P1; Umar, I. Y2 & Ohize, E. J3

1Technical Education Department, Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria 2,3Industrial and Technology Department, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria



This study determined effects of exploration and scaffolding instructional strategies on students’ achievement in Foundry and Forging Technology. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. The performance of 148 National Diploma 2 (NDII) students in mechanical engineering technology was obtained after being taught with exploration and scaffolding instructional strategies using the Foundry and Forging Technology Achievement test (FFTAT). Data collected were analyzed using mean and ANCOVA. The finding of the study revealed that: Exploration and scaffolding instructional strategies were effective in improving students’ academic achievement in foundry and forging technology but scaffolding strategy was more viable than exploration strategy.  Gender had an effect on academic achievement of students in foundry and forging technology in favour of male students. It was concluded that scaffolding instructional strategy is viable teaching strategy for improving students’ achievement in Foundry and Forging Technology. It was recommended that lecturers/teachers adopt the scaffolding instructional strategy for teaching Foundry and Forging Technology.

Keywords: Foundry and Forging Technology, exploration strategy, scaffolding strategy, achievement, gender




Psychology of Parenting, Socialization Process and Value Re-Orientation of Students for Sustainable National Development in Nigeria


Patrick Ocheme Aleje

Department Of Educational Psychology, Federal College Of Education, Zaria



Positive development of any individual, group and society is a function of value outcomes and socialization process. The process starts at birth through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and end at death. The process is a long one which consists of various agents such as parent, peers, social media, religious institutions just to mention a few. Alongside this milieu, this paper focused on parenting, socialization process and value re-orientation of students for sustainable national development in Nigeria. Thus, the paper discussed the need for value re-orientation in Nigeria was discussed alongside with the implications of parenting styles that is, demanding/responsive, authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and neglected on socialization process and value re-orientation of students. More so, the influence of parenting on attitude, norm and values development was also elucidated. The paper recommended among others that, efforts should be made to re-tune the mindset of parents to drive the process of inculcating new values and attitudes into the psyche of Nigerian students at family levels. The mentality of individuals, communities and entire society should be re-oriented toward value. Value re-orientation should be taught in homes, worship places, schools and at cultural gatherings. Violators of values should be punished appropriately so as to deter others from any violation of educational and societal values.

Keywords: Parenting, Socialization process, Value Re-orientation and Sustainable National Development




A Framework for Building E-Learning Resources in the Cloud


Ajuwon, Ayobami Adeniran and Adeleke, Israel Adewale

Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo.



Cloud computing is becoming a technology of choice when any organization wants to reduce the cost of software and hardware infrastructure. It is particularly useful for institutions because the resources put in the cloud can be accessed by students anytime, anywhere and using any device which include cheap hand held products and smart phones. This paper reviews the benefits of cloud computing technology and presents a model for building e-learning resources in the cloud.  Object oriented methodology is adopted for the analysis and design and Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to construct the model.

Keywords: Cloud computing, E-learning, Framework, Unified Modelling Language, Smart phones




Puberty and Marriage Rites among the Zar People Bauchi State, Nigeria


Wadam Z.S

Department of Christian Religious Studies, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare, Bauchi State



The paper makes a general survey of rites of passage explaining what they are and their significance as a traditional society, it goes on to discuss traditional marriage as one of the rites of passage and describe the types of marriage in the area practicalsly by the Zar people. A brief history of the Zar is been discussed their occupation, religion and culture of the Zar. Rites of passage are practice ceremonies and ritual with one associated with the stages of development of an individual from birth to death puberty rites is a stage of physical development of an individual, which he/she changes from childhood to adult an even able to reach maturity to have children. The paper recommends that, there should be no element of force marriage, bride wealth should not be a barrier to any marriage.

Keywords: Puberty, Marriage, Rites, Zar, People.




Malnutrition and Children’s Learning in Primary School in Zaria Local Government Area, Kaduna State: An Integrated Strategy for Development from the Viewpoint of Educational Psychology


*Abdulmalik Aliyu **Dr. Ibrahim Zubairu

*Directorate for Professional Diploma in Education (DPDE), Federal College of Education, Zaria **Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education, Zaria



This research study is about the influence of malnutrition on children’s learning among primary school pupils in Zaria Local Government Area, Kaduna State. The main objective of the study is to investigate the problems associated with nutritional deficiency and its consequence on learning. From the onset, malnutrition is regarded as an act of omission from food intake; a situation which usually leads to nutritional deficiency problem in individual, of which infants and children who are expected to grow up into healthy productive adults are the greatest sufferers. To achieve that, a survey design was conducted with a questionnaire as a data collection instrument with three hundred (300) respondents chosen as sample based on the guidance of Krejcie and Morgan table of sample size determination. Statistical package of IBM 23 was used to determine the influence of malnutrition on children’s learning. The hypothesis was tested using independent sample chi-square test at 0.05 level of significance. A number of nutritional deficiency problems were highlighted during the course of the investigation. One major finding was made of the fact that malnutrition has significant influence on children’s learning at the level of primary school. As a strategy for development, a recommendation made is that parents should ensure that their children are well fed with balanced diet before, during and after school hours in order to support learning at this crucial stage of child growth and development.

Keywords: Malnutrition, Integrated, Strategy, Development, Educational Psychology.




Relevance of Social Studies Education in Promoting Entrepreneurship Skills for Sustainable Development in Nigeria


Nuruddeen Abdullahi Yusuf Danmari

Department of General Studies Education, Federal College of Education, Zaria



By its interdisciplinary character, Social Studies Education develop in the minds of students the basic knowledge and ways of thinking that prepare them to participate in civic and community life as active and informed citizens. It touches on all aspects of societal development; be it political, economic, social, cultural, technological or educational. This may be the reason why it is being referred to as a way of life. Skills are indispensables in building a well-informed and effective citizenry who are useful to themselves and the society in which they find themselves. This paper examines the place of Social Studies Education in promoting Entrepreneurship skills for Sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper discussed the concepts of Social Studies education, entrepreneurship education and skills. The paper also attempts to establish the relevance of Social Studies Education in entrepreneurship development. The paper finally gives some recommendations among which is the need for periodic review of Social Studies Education Curriculum to enable it to stand the test of time. This is because social and economic skills for effective entrepreneurship and self-reliance development are never static they change with time, space and innovations, the need for SOSCEAN to vigorously pursue the full implementation of Social Studies education curriculum at all levels of schooling in Nigeria.

Keywords: Social Studies Education, Entrepreneurship Skills, Sustainable Development.




Relationship between Personality Traits and Academic Achievement among NCE Students


1Yagana Alhaji Abba and 2Alhaji Modu Isa

1Department of Educational Foundation and Management, Kashim Ibrahim College of Education Maiduguri 2Department of Mathematics, Kashim Ibrahim College of Education Maiduguri



The study was designed to investigate the relationship between personality traits and academic achievement among NCE students of Kashim Ibrahim College of Education Maiduguri. Eighty one (81) students consisting of forty five (45) male and thirty six (36) female students were purposively selected. Two instruments were used to gather information. A profoma and the Big Five Personality questionnaire were used in this study. The proforma was used to obtain the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of the students and the questionnaire was used to measure the personality trait of the students. Data collected were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Results of the study revealed that personality trait is a predictor of students’ academic performance. The result further revealed that consciousness and agreeableness are the best predictors of students’ academic achievement.

Keywords: Personality, Academic achievement, Big Five Model, CGPA




Collaborative Learning by doing in Tertiary Institutions: A Strategy for Quality Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Education.


*Kuttu Julius Musa, *Augustina Ndu *Abdulazeez Abubakar (PhD) & **Kuttu Arki Musa

*Department of Agricultural Education, School of Secondary Education (Vocational) Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi, Kano State. **Bejafta Chemical and Agro Allied Services Nigeria LTD (Bejafta Fertilizer) No. 30 Rayfield Road, Opposite Steel Rolling Mills Quarters Jos, Plateau State



The study aimed at evaluating entrepreneurial agricultural education students on collaborative learning by doing method, looking at skills acquired by students, previous practicals experiences of students on entrepreneurial agricultural education, and interest/acceptability to go into agri-business after graduation through collaborative teaching and learning method. The study was carried out using the NCE II population of 75 of the department of Agricultural Education, F.C.E. (T) Bichi, Kano State, Nigeria as study sample, whom were distributed to five areas of Agricultural Entrepreneurial interest; poultry, rabbitery, fishery, ornamentals and vegetable garden productions with 12, 21, 10, 21 and 11 students per group respectively. A structured questionnaire, was used in data collection. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentages in Microsoft Excel office Software. The results indicated that; 89.39 % agreed that collaborative learning by doing is the best for learners, 93.94 % very much appreciated the skills acquired, only 18.18 % had previous experience and 98.48 % would like to go into entrepreneurial agriculture/agri-business after graduation. The authors recommend that the course Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Education be carried out strictly through collaborative learning by doing process to enable graduates in agricultural education gain skills to be self-employed after graduation, so as to reduce the rate of unemployment in Nigeria.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Education, learning by doing, Collaborative Teaching and Learning.




Factors Influencing Students’ Usage of Mobile Applications (Apps) in Higher Institutions in Oyo State


Ayoade, Olusola Bamidele &  Gbadegesin, Adegboyega Uthman

Computer Science Department, Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo, Nigeria.



This study examined predicting factors influencing students’ usage to use mobile apps in higher institutions in Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was employed and a conceptual model was constructed using extended TAM theoretical model with the inclusions of perceived risk, perceived trust, social norm, perceived computer self-efficacy and perceived cost. Both incidental and proportional random sampling techniques was used to select three hundred respondents from institutions making a total of one thousand, four hundred. Four research questions and seven hypotheses were formulated for the study and data collected were analysed using frequency count, simple percentage, Cronbach Alpha, pearson product moment correlation and regression analysis test at 0.05 level of significant. The results of the study showed that Google play store is the mobile apps store mostly used by the students while facebook app is the mobile app mostly used by the students.  Also, students mostly use mobile apps for social networking/instant messaging purposes and they mostly used mobile apps everyday.  The results also indicated that seven independent variables; perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived risk (PR), perceived trust (PT), subjective norm (SN), perceived computer self-efficacy (PCSE and  perceived cost (PC) significantly influence students’ intention to use mobile app sin higher institutions in Nigeria. Perceived ease of use is the strongest predictor of students’ intention to use mobile app sin higher institutions in Nigeria followed by perceived usefulness, social norm, perceived cost, perceived trust, perceived risk and perceived computer self-efficacy. Therefore, the service providers of the mobile apps should continue rolling out flexible, portable and user friendly mobile apps that will meet the needs of the students. Also, they must consider people’s social connections, networks, and status to potentially increase the use of mobile apps among the students.

Keywords: Mobile Apps, Perceived Computer Self-Efficacy, Perceived Risk, Perceived Trust, Perceived Usefulness, Social Norm,




The Role of ICT Education in Combating Economic Recession in Nigeria


Jonathan Sabo Turya and Nathan Joshua Tomtsu

Department of General Studies Education, FCE (T) Gombe



This study presents information and communication technology (ICT) as a phenomenon that is required to address economic recession in Nigeria. Recession amid plenty is the greatest challenge facing Nigeria. The poverty stricken use diverse coping mechanisms conditioned by their access to various support systems. This paper is on the use of ICT in combating economic recession in Nigeria. It describes the roles that ICTs have played in the lives of the poor in Nigeria, and how ICTs assist people in addressing the chronic issues of recession. Using ICTs to support poverty reduction is found to be possible, practicals and affordable if Nigerian government acknowledges its role as a major employer and user of ICT beginning with a development commitment that targets poverty alleviation. In addition, the development and access to social networks through low-cost ICTs, will enhance timely access to accurate and reliable information by the poor From the study it has been observed that the global financial crisis strongly affect the Nigerian economy because of uncertainty in foreign direct investment and Money Supply that could create uncertainty in the level of investment which retards economic growth. It also slows down the economy, The paper recommends that There is a need for new stability of the global financial system in which the voice of every nation, every continent is heard and their concerns taken into account. .

Keywords: Information Communication Technology (ICT), recession, economy, global 




Psycho-Social Challenges of Insecurity on Teaching, Learning Environment and Inclusive Education


*Abdullahi Adamu Babangida *Oti Philomena Aweh **Abdu Mustapha (PhD) and *Nwabueze Josephine Nneka

*Department of Education Psychology Federal Capital Territory College of Education. **Physical and Health Education Department Saadatu Rimi College of Education, Kano



The paper titled psycho-social challenges of insecurity on teaching, learning environment and inclusive education is focused on conceptualizing psycho-social challenges of insecurity on teaching and learning environment visavis how these psycho-social challenges impact on individual learner’s personality in a negative ways. Thereby producing effects that account for cognitive dissonance measuring on general uneasiness and nervousness. Typifying psychological inferiority complex of the learner leading to low self concept, perception and esteem. Which invariably are responsible for maladaptive and maladjustive and forms of behaviors. Such that can mar or prevent implementation of a curriculum process to the learners. In a similar vein, the paper highlights  on inclusive education, its conceptual framework, systems, curriculum provisions and functions as embodiment of education system that measures on curtailing these psycho-social challenges. That posed a state of insecurity on teaching and learning environment. To this end conclusion is drawn and recommendation made.

Keywords: psycho- social challenges, insecured teaching and learning environment, cognitive dissonance, inclusive education, curriculum provisions, systems and functions.




Prospects and Challenges of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on Office Technology and Management Students


*Nuradeen Yakubu Mohammed **Arikwandu, Sympathy Ogechukwu

*Registry Department, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi. **Department of Office Technology and Management, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi.



The Constant changes taking place in Office Technology and Management has made Information and Communication Technology (ICT) indispensable in this modern age. New trends, innovations and technologies came into the market daily. Inspite of the attractive Prospects they pose, numerous challenges abound, both in Nigeria in particular and Africa in general. Such challenges heightens expectations on Office Technology and Management Students. This review paper therefore highlights the Prospect and challenges of Information and Communication Technology on Office Technology and Management Students and Profession.

Keywords: Communication, Challenges, Information, Management, Office, Prospects, Technology




Psychological Strategies for Controlling Indiscipline among Secondary School Students for Sustainable Quality Education in Kaduna State


Yusuf Yahaya Maina

Department Of Educational Psychology, Federal College Of Education, Zaria



This study examined strategies for controlling indiscipline among secondary school students for sustainable quality education in Makarfi local government area, Kaduna State. In line with this, three (3) Objectives and Research Questions were formulated. Descriptive survey method was employed. The population of study was all Teachers, principals and vice-principals of public secondary schools in Makarfi Local Government Area which stood at 513 as at time of this study, out of which a sample of 234 respondents were selected through the use of quota and purposive sampling techniques, while two self developed questionnaires were used to collect the data. The instrument was validated by lecturers in A.B.U, Zaria, while the reliability of the instruments was established using, test-retest method and Cronbach alpha. A reliability coefficient of .83 was obtained for POTCISSS. Mean score and standard deviation were used to present the descriptive data. The studies revealed that correlation exist in the causes and nature of indiscipline among secondary school students in Makarfi Local Government Area. Also, educational psychologists, counsellors and administrative staff had similar opinions on strategies and techniques that can be applied in order to curb indiscipline among secondary school students as such as to achieve quality education in study area. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that, Parents and school authorities should endeavour to perform their roles such expected in order to effectively address factors that leads indiscipline among secondary school students in Makarfi; The ministry of education in Kaduna state should workout ways, such as special remunerations and incentive for hard work and dedication geared toward improving the social and psychological status of teachers and administrative staff so that they will be motivated to pay appropriate attention to needs of the students as measure to curbing indiscipline in order to achieve quality education in Kaduna state.

Keywords:  Indiscipline, Psychological Techniques and Sustainable Quality Education




Nigeria: A Case for Human Resource Development in the Administration and Management of Tertiary Education


*Inuwa Abdu Ibrahim **Husseini Adamu Husseini *Sirajo Ado Jahun ***Jamila Waziri Mohammed

*Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic Bauchi, Nigeria **Department of General Studies, Federal Polytechnic Bauchi, Nigeria **Department of Hospitality Management, Federal Polytechnic Bauchi, Nigeria.



Continuous advancement and the ever increasing changes to the globe today have necessitated states to champion their own futures. Thus, it has become a common theme allover that its prosperity and or poverty are largely the result of the worth of tertiary education. The reality is so, because tertiary or higher education schemes of a country are the apparatus of human resource creation in that country. Because of this, all serious states must aspire for excellence as a constant if they are to rise to the challenges of globalization- and its multifaceted implications. A qualitative tertiary education system can create the needed human development capacity. This qualitative paper reviewed literatures dealing with quality management and administration on tertiary education in Nigeria aiming to bring to the fore effects for human resource development (HRD). It is the finding of this paper that Nigeria and third world countries (TWCs) should adopt and maintain total quality management (TQM), and continuous quality improvement (CQI), for tertiary education administration and management in order to achieve the capacity of an effective and efficient HRD. CQI and TQM application in the tertiary level will help a great deal in increasing the capacity of both staff and students as a trickle-down effect. The end result will be an increase in human capital development (HCD) for the whole country which will in turn ensure economic growth, innovation and technological growth.

Keywords: Administration and Management, Economic Growth, Human Resource Development, Nigeria, Tertiary Education.




The uses of social media for consumption and sharing of information content among students and its impact on their academic performance (Case study: Federal Polytechnic, Mubi).


Mustapha Kassim, Adamu Garba Mubi and Umar Bello

Department Of Computer Science, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Adamawa State



Social media is a computer-mediated technology that facilitates the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks and has become a common international trend which has spread its reach to almost every corner of the world. This research adopted descriptive and explanatory research design. It also employed the use of cross sectional survey method using survey questionnaires of independent variables of 400 students from the polytechnic using convenient sampling method. The data collected was analyzed using description means and regression via SPSS: However, this study was conducted in five-group experimental design to examine the use of social media for consumption and sharing of information content and its impact on their academic performance in Federal Polytechnic, Mubi 1). To determine the pattern and purpose of usage of social media among students. 2). To determine a correlation between time spent on social media and students’ academic performance. 3). To determine the challenges of social media to access or share academic materials. 4). To determine the best medium based on styles and nature of implementation of social media to enhance learning in the polytechnic. Thus considering the abnormal use of Social media platforms by students, it is expedient that tertiary institutions educate their students to positively use these platforms for educational purposes which will eventually result in a positive impact on their academic performance.

Key terms: Social media; Internet; Academic performance; Information content; Nature of usage.




Availability of Audio Visual Resources in Muhammadu Wabi Library


Rahila Pagiel Kujim, Mohammed Abdulhamid, Abdullahi Limanjo & Hassan Muhammad Aishatu



This research study examined the availability of audio-visual resources for user satisfaction in Muhammadu Wabi Library, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi. The objectives of this study were to find out the types of audio-visual resources for user satisfaction available in the library, to examine the benefit of audio visual resources for user satisfaction in the library, to find out the challenges associated with the availability of audio-visual resources for user satisfaction in the library. A case study research method was used and questionnaire was the instrument employed to gather the required data for the study. Thirty six (36) copies of questionnaires were distributed base on the population of the respondents. However, 34 copies of the questionnaires were returned. Findings were based on statistical analysis using frequencies and percentages and the result indicate that there isavailability of audio-visual resources for user satisfaction in the library, while the benefit of audio-visual resources for users satisfaction includes extending experience of user, encourage participation in leaning, basing learning in experience, stimulating user interest in learning, individualize instruction, serve as a source of information to user and making learning permanent.Inadequate fund,  unstable power supply, lack of recognition in institutions and libraries, negative attitude of user toward audio-visual resources, lack of up-dated software and hardware, inability to operate audio-visual equipment and poor physical condition were identified as the major challenges associated with availability of audio –visual resources for user satisfaction in the library. It is therefore recommended that the management of MuhammaduWabi Library Federal Polytechnic Bauchi should improve the types of available audio-visual resources to users, the benefits of the audio-visual resources to users should be as much as possible sustained, and the management of the library can improvise the provision of funds and power supply for better services.

Keywords: Availability, Audio, Visual, Resources, Library.




Psychological Effect of Insecurity on Sustainable Tertiary Education in Nigeria


Zahra Ladi Adamu (Ph.D)

Department Of Educational Psychology, Federal College Of Education, Zaria



Insecure person perceives the world as a life threatening jungle, feels unsafe, unhappy, rejected, hostile, and pessimistic, shows a sign of tension, conflict and guilt, and tends to be neurotic and generally egocentric. Thus, this paper focused on psychological effect of insecurity on sustainable education development in Nigeria with specific emphasis on theoretical framework such as Frustration theory, Psychoanalytic theory, Ethnological theory and Social learning theory of crime. The paper also examined the sources of insecurity in Tertiary Institutions of Nigerian and its Psychological effects. Added to this, the possible strategy for promoting security in Tertiary Institutions was discussed. Based on the review, the following recommendations were made among others that, Federal Government of Nigeria should provide security in the insurgency ravaged areas and all other parts of the country within the shortest possible period in order to enhance educational activities for sustainable development; The International Community should assist the Nigerian government to negotiate with the insurgents, so that the situation would be brought to an end and equally be involved in educational rehabilitation; Management of higher institution of learning should introduce security education as compulsory general course in the curriculum. This will help both the students and staff to be security conscious, spot out strange persons and things around them in order to keep the environment safe.

Keywords: Insecurity, Tertiary Education and Sustainable Educational Development




E-Learning Initiative in Federal Colleges of Education Teaching for Sustainable Development


Maryam Bashir Aminu and Talatu Shehu

Department of Library and Information Science, Federal College of Education, Zaria, Kaduna State.



The paper is centered on E-learning initiative in federal college of education teaching for sustainable development, E-learning has become increasingly prominent in tertiary education and non act as catalyst of transformation the major highlight of the paper. Include: concept of E-learning, E-learning provide and enrolment, E-learning strategies and rationales, impact of teaching E-learning, IT infrastructure, the paper identify constraint to teaching E-learning which include: inadequate power supply fund, technical no-how among others, the paper recommend orientation of student of ICT gadget, acquisition of ICT skills by teachers and also provision of ICT facilities of Federal Colleges of Education in Nigeria.

Keywords: Initiative, Education, Teaching, Sustainable, Development.




Evaluation as a Tool for Quality Assurance in English Language Teaching Methodology


Anyifite Sylvester DORCAS

Department of General Studies Education, Federal College of Education, Zaria.



The issue of quality assurance in education has become a matter of concern for stakeholder’s educational institutions and government in order to meet the expectation of society and to improve education service delivery. This paper examines the relevance of Evaluation as a key factor in ensuring in teaching English language. Quality resides with teachers and evaluation is part of quality assurance in teaching English Language.

Keywords: Evaluation, Quality, Assurance, Teaching, Methodology.




Non- Formal Education Programmes: a Transformation of Policy for Achieving New Sustainable Development in Nigeria


Aminu Abubakar

Department of Primary Education, Aminu Saleh College of Education Azare, Bauchi State Nigeria



It has been widely acknowledged that non-formal education is one of the major types of education for achieving new development in any society in the world because of its diversification and the areas touched. This paper explains the meaning of Non-formal education, goals of non-formal education in the national policy of education, types of non-formal education, activities of non-formal education is to provide functional literacy and continuing education for adults and youths who are the backbone of any meaningful development, clients of non-formal education should be put into consideration such as illiterate, semi-literate, well educated person, the school leavers and children under the age of six(6) years, indices for sustainable development and how to transform the policy to achieve new sustainable development, the paper also explain the needs for non-governmental organization and private individual to contribute and involve in the execution of non-formal programmes in all nook and cranny in Nigeria, to understand the progress of achieving new sustainable development there is need for regular formative evaluation of every programmes after every six (6) months the commission shall monitor and evaluate the programmes and facilitate the activities of the commission and the state agencies, recommendation were given in order to take necessary action for the smooth running of the programme.

Keywords: Non-formal education, Transformation, Policy, Sustainable development.




Effect of Parental Background on the Attitudes of Private Secondary School Students towards Learning of Yoruba in Oyo Town


Olatunji, Kehinde Ajadi

School of Secondary Education (Language Programmes), Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo



This study examined the effects of parental background on the attitudes of private secondary school students towards learning of Yoruba. The target population is hundred students (100) students and fifty (50) parents randomly selected from private secondary schools in Oyo town. Also some parents were given questionnaire to fill in order to elicit response as regards “to various problems confronted by them towards their children attitude to learning of Yoruba language in schools. The study adopted simple percentage in analyzing data collected. It was discovered that some parents have done great harm to the teaching and learning of Yoruba right away from home thereby having negative effects on student interest in school. The paper now recommends that’ there must be proper orientation for all stakeholders especially parents on the needs to cultivate habit of speaking Yoruba language to their children from home. This will form the part of their cultural obligation and thereby promoting moral instruction which form part of our cultural heritage.

Keywords: Parental background, Attitudes, Learning of Yoruba and Students;




Teacher’s Acquisition and Utilization of Teaching Skills for Improvement of Student Learning in the 2st Century in Secondary Schools, Akwa Ibom State


Ebuk, Love (Ph.D) and Icha, Boniface Ijuo (Ph.D)

Department of Educational Administration and Planning, Faculty of Education, University of Abuja



The paper focused on teachers acquisition and utilization of professional skills needed in this 21st century to improve teaching learning in secondary schools.  The investigation was carried out in secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State. Two research objectives and research questions were stated to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was applied for the study. The population consisted of 24 public senior secondary schools in Uyo Senatorial District.  The sample of the study was 5 public senior secondary schools, and 300 teachers. A structured questionnaire on “Teachers Acquisition and Utilization of Professional Skills for Improvement of Teaching and Learning” (TAUPSITL) was used as instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was validated by experts in the Department of Educational Administration and Foundation University of Abuja. Test-retest method of reliability was used to obtain the internal consistency. The reliability index was obtained through cornbrah alpha, the index score was (0.78). Statistics applied was simple frequency and mean for research questions and chi-square analysis for the research hypothesis. A mean score of 2.50 and above was accepted and 2.49 and below was considered rejected for the sectional mean. The null hypothesis will be accepted when the calculated chi-square score will be greater than the tabulated chi-square score, and will be rejected when it is vice versa. The study findings were that: the recommendations made include that:

Keywords:  Teachers, Acquisition, Utilization of Skill and Improvement of Teaching /Learning




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