VOL. 26 NO. 6 SEPTEMBER, 2022 ISSN: 2910-2080
Published by:
African Scholar Publications and Research International,
Centre for African Studies,
University of Ibadan, PO Box 10108, U.I. Post Office, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria – West Africa.
Copyright © 2022 African Scholar Publications and Research International.
Newspaper Coverage of Health Issues in Nigeria
Ajaegbu Oguchi O. (PhD) and Akoja, Mofoluke I. (PhD)
Department of Mass Communication, Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo, Ogun State
The media can help spread development messages and one of such is health. It is worthy of note that the health care system in Nigeria is poor in addition, there is inequality in access to care and also dearth of resources. This study intended to determine the extent to which the media works to define the public agenda for the health sector in order to mobilize both the government and the governed toward creating a healthy state. The content analysis research methodology and the purposive sample technique were utilized. The Guardian, The Punch, The Vanguard and Daily Sun newspapers were selected in this one-week study. On the identified health issues, a total of 58 health reports were discovered and analyzed. COVID-19 received the most attention as a major healthcare issue in the world today. Most of the health issues were reported as straight news. Health issues received little attention in the media. Based on the findings, this study suggests that newspapers give more importance to health problems.
Keywords: Newspaper, Coverage, Prominence, Health Issues
A Comparative Qualitative Analysis of Doctor-Patient Communication in a Selected Private and Public Medical Centre in Lagos State, Nigeria
*Andrew Hyacinth Ngene, PhD; **Mobolaji Grace Akintaro; ***Enoch Adewunmi Oyeduntan, PhD; ***Olayinka O. Idowu; & ***Bidemi M. Balogun
*Department of Mass Communication, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai. **Department of Mass Communication, University of Benin, Nigeria. ***Department of Mass Communication Technology, Lagos State University of Science and Technology (LASUSTECH)
The health sector is an integral part of any society as it plays a major role in the general well-being of the people. As it is common with every aspect of the society to communicate with one another, in this wise, both clinicians and researchers have in the past few decades, been trying to establish a nexus in doctor-patient relationship through interpersonal communication known as doctor-patient communication. A comparative qualitative analysis of doctor-patient communication in selected public and private medical centre in Lagos State was carried to investigate the factors responsible for the discrepancy in doctor-patient communication in private and public medical Centre in Lagos State, find out the communication flaws in doctor-patient relationship, and also ascertain the possibilities of improving therapeutic relationship in doctor-patient communication. The study adopted the qualitative research approach with the interview guide as the instrument for data collection. The shared decision model and the informed decision-making model served as the theoretical framework. Findings revealed that culture, language and pre-existing belief system are factors that affect the therapeutic relationship between a doctor and his patients. It was concluded that for effective communication between doctor and his patient, interpersonal communication skills must be learnt and adopted for a better performance and perception of health delivery service.
Keywords: Communication, Doctor, Patient, Qualitative Analysis, Medical Centre
Code Switching and Code-Mixing (CS-CM) in Multilingual Teacher-Talk: Pedagogic Functions and Educational Implications
Abubakar Shehu Abubakar
Department of Literature, Linguistics and Foreign Languages at Kenyatta University
Globalization has become a growing trend in the modern world and most of the world’s speech communities are multilingual necessitating the emergent of code switching and code mixing with the goal of fostering effective communication. Previous studies conducted on Code-Switching and Code-Mixing however view the practice as an indicator of poor language competence and not as a social phenomenon that is motivated and can be deployed in classroom contexts to simplify abstract concepts and improve understanding of content knowledge. The aim of the study therefore is to examine the pedagogic functions of code-switching and code-mixing in order identify the motivations for the practice in educational context. The study was conducted in selected Junior Secondary Schools in Adamawa State, North Eastern Nigeria. A descriptive qualitative design was adopted for the study. The requisite data for the study was derived from transcripts of teacher-Students interaction in five lessons (Basic science, Home Economics, English language, Computer science, Basic technology and Agricultural science). The study revealed that code switching and code mixing forms part of classroom discourse in the study area and that teachers deploy the practice while describing abstract concepts, elaborating or explaining concepts and while providing examples of abstract concepts. In specific, the results indicated that Code-Switching and Code-Mixing were mostly used during Evaluation (question 34.1% – Response 4.9%) followed by Explanation (20.7%) and Description (11%) respectively. It was concluded that Code Switching and Code-Mixing(CS-CM) in classroom context is motivated and helps in simplifying abstract concepts and improving students’ understanding of content knowledge.
The Physician not the Disease: Implication of Clinical Iatrogenesis on Health Delivery System in Keffi, Nigeria
*Ulagba Emmanuel; **Doris Lami Madugu; ***Okoh Edoh Mike; & ****Keme S. John
*Department of Sociology, Kwararafa University Wukari, Taraba State. **Department of Geography, Federal University Wukari, Taraba State. ***Network of people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Asokoro, FCT Abuja. ****Department of Geography, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nasarawa State
Clinical iatrogenesis is seen as an “epidemic” that has bedeviled the modern medical institution that is being practiced in the hospital/clinics. This study was set to find out the implications of this epidemic on health delivery in Keffi. It aimed to find out the factors responsible for persistent occurrence of clinical iatrogenesis in Keffi town, its implications on health delivery and then proffer solutions that will curb its existence for an effective health delivery in Keffi and Nigeria at large. The data used for the study were collected through the administration of questionnaires, focus group discussions and observations made on the sampled population. Data were qualitatively analyzed in simple frequency and percentage table based on the one hundred and ten retrieved questionnaires. Misdiagnosis, illegible handwriting, wrong prescriptions, unnecessary/wrong surgical operations, improper keeping of patient’s records, impatience of practitioners, the monopolistic nature of practitioners over patients among other factors were discovered to be the causal factors to clinical iatrogenesis. This has negative implications on health delivery in Keffi. Thus, the government should encourage the training of more medical practitioners, in-house training/seminars/workshops to update practitioners’ knowledge on the use of modern tools, development of an effective policy that will ensure that negligent practitioners are appropriately discipline, disclosure of practitioners’ negligent acts among others. This will eradicate or reduce the occurrence of clinical iatrogenesis in Nigeria.
Keywords: Implication, Clinical iatrogenesis, health delivery
An appraisal of the impact Russia and Ukraine Conflict on Global Economy and Peace
Jibrin Ubale Yahaya, PhD
Department of Political Science, National Open of Nigeria University, Abuja
The unannounced war between Ukraine and Russia has taken the world politics, peace, economy, and global market systems by storm and the diplomatic efforts by world leaders to resolve the crisis has shown no sign of progress. Ukraine became an independent nation with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. It was earlier part of the Russian empire and later became the Soviet Republic and did away with its Russian imperial legacy, thereby forming close ties with the West. Since its independence, the country is battling with corruption and internal divisions. The country’s western side wants integration with the West while the eastern region with Russia. The conflict started when Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych rejected an association agreement with the European Union in favour of closer ties with Moscow. The protesters ousted him in what is known as the Revolution of Dignity. In return, Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and backed east Ukraine’s separatist rebellion. Soon after this, it attacked Donbas, the country’s industrial heartland. Over 14,000 people lost their lives in the armed conflict between the Ukrainian forces and Russia-backed separatists. Ukraine and the West accused Russia of deploying troops and sending weapons to the rebellions, an allegation that Russia denied. However, Russia strongly criticized the US and NATO for aiding Ukraine with weapons and joint military drills. President Putin too expressed concerns over plans by some NATO members to establish military training centres in Ukraine as it will facilitate military foothold in the region even without Ukraine joining NATO. This paper has use secondary source of data to generate relevant information on the subject matter. The paper has two major findings firstly, the sovereignty of Ukraine as an independent country was not fully respected by Russia and secondly, super power countries are playing politics with the conflict which led further destruction of human beings and facilities between conflicting countries. The researcher is of the view and recommend that neighboring countries to Ukraine needs to recognize the statehood independence of Ukraine as an independent country and the superpower countries and other global communities need to show concern and make serious commitment to end the conflict between the countries to restore the fate of global peace and economy in a good time.
Keywords: Conflict, Sovereignty, Global Economy and Global Peace.
Xenotransplantation: Issues and Challenges
Mardhiyyah Munir Ja’afar
Baze University, Abuja
Xenotransplantation is any procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation or infusion into a human recipient of either live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source, or human body fluids, cells, tissues or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman animal cells, tissues or organs. It is often suggested as an alternative to human organ transplantation due to the most daunting barrier to organ transplantation, which is the shortage of suitable human organs. Proponents of xenotransplantation state that transplanting animal organs into individuals with end-stage organ diseases will restore hope in them and will do away with the ethical issues in human-to-human transplantation such as the debates on organ allocation policies, consent, organ sale, using organs of heart-beating donors, anencephalic infants, embryo transplantation, and stem cells from embryos and foetuses. However, it is found out that xenotransplantation from animals to humans raises legal, ethical and religious issues and challenges such as the transmission of infectious diseases, the intense debate on the brutality in the use of animal organs as well as the controversy on whether the use of pig organs is permissible or forbidden in Islam. Consequently, this paper recommends the exercise of extreme caution in transplanting animal tissue/organs in humans due to the spread of infectious diseases and because such practice still remains experimental and controversial.
Social Media as the Fifth Estate of Public Communication
*Nlemchukwu, N. Fidelis; *Bitrus, A. Festus; & **Blessing Solomon Tsokwa
*Department of Mass Communication, the Federal Polytechnic, Mubi. **Department of Broadcasting, Taraba State Uniersity, Jalingo
Social media as the fifth estate of public communication was looked into and discovered that social media is emerging as a powerful phenomenon across Nigeria as showcased by popular citizen journalism websites. The Sahara Reporters, one of such websites, is noted for its timely reports on issues and events as evidenced in a study conducted by Dare (2011, p.44) where 86 of the 120 respondents surveyed cited the Sahara reporters as a source of breaking news. By its interactivity and ability to deliver news in split seconds, social media seen as the “fifth estate” have posed a serious challenge to the mainstream journalism in Nigeria as the “fourth estate” of public communication. In congruency with the Democratic Participant Media Theory and the Public Sphere model, the researcher came to the reasoned conclusion that in this modern age, the social media have emerged as alternative news sources; since audiences now depend on them largely in meeting their information needs. In as much as social media in Nigeria has broadened people’s access to a variety of news, this study suggests that a proper synergy between the mainstream journalism and social media journalism is recommended to ascertain the best way(s) forward for effective and efficient journalism practices in the country which will suit the modern age public communication. The need therefore to sensitize Nigerian social media journalists on proper use of this emerging brand of journalism is obvious. Among other things, it was recommended that operators of social media should endeavour to observe the core ethics of conventional journalism, that is, accuracy and objectivity in their news dissemination endeavours.
Poverty and Violence in Nigeria Implication on Democracy
Ogbu Ugonna
Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic Oko
This paper discussed the relationship between poverty and violence in Nigeria and their implications on democratic consolidation. Poverty has many effects and one of its obvious manifestations is violence. This submission has been justified using social structure and anomie theory. While democracy seeks to provide equal socio-economic and political opportunities across populations and/or sub-populations of a nation, poverty is an albatross to the attainment of such egalitarian socio-economic and political arrangements. Looking at most developing countries and in Nigeria in particular, poverty is obviously an artificial social problem and it is created by corrupt politicians. These vested interests are recruiting unemployed and illiterate youths into political thuggery, such as Yankalare in Gombe State, ´Yan sara-suka’ in Bauchi State, ‘Yandaba’ in Kano State and ‘Bakassi’ Boys in Abia State. The paper also found that, religious radicalism by ‘Boko Haram’ in the northern Nigeria and other violent activities by insurgents in the Niger Delta, such as Niger Delta Avengers are all reflections people’s frustration on unemployment and poverty. The paper recommended that, to achieve democratic society, we shall overcome the scourge of violence in Nigeria through fighting poverty.
Keywords: Democracy, Poverty, Unemployment, Violence.
Modeling the Impact of Tourism on Industrial Growth in Nigeria: Bound Testing Approach
*Joyce Oritsematosan. Binitie; **Adebayo Akeem Adekunle; & **Nwalupue Nnamdi Mark
*Consultancy and Business Development (CBD) Department, National Productivity Centre, Lagos State Office. **Productivity Capacity Building (PCB) Department, National Productivity Centre, Lagos State Office
The study is motivated by the burning issue of diversification of the Nigerian economy away from oil. The need is more pressing now that oil prices have crashed in the international market as well as current world’s persistent quest in finding alternatives to oil. Against this backdrop, the study investigates the impact of tourism on industrial growth to determine other available options for Nigeria using quarterly data from 1981-2015. To achieve this objective, the study employs multivariate full information maximum likelihood (FIML)-based approach and the relatively new Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) model by Pesaran et. al. (2001). This model is efficient even when the regressors are integrated of different orders. It simultaneously tests for long-run and short-run relationships. Moreover, the issue of endogeneity is not a problem in the bound testing framework. The results reveal that tourism and exchange rate have positive and significant impact on industrial growth both in the long-run and short-run. Furthermore, the pass-through effect of tourism via exchange rate on industrial growth is positive and significant. Thus, policies should focus on developing the tourism sub-sector in Nigeria.
Keywords: Tourism, Industrial Growth, Diversification, Big Push, ARDL.
Understanding Nigeria as a Circular Nation in the 21st Century and Its Implication for Unity
*Ven Egesi Jonathan .C; **Ven Duruji Simeon Ugochukwu. (PhD); & ***Mrs Ijeoma Eze-Chukwunyere Nwebo (PhD)
*Imo State Polytechnic Omuma-Oru East, Imo State. **Department Of Religion and Cultural Studies, (A.I.F.C.E) Owerri-Nigeria. ***(A.I.F.C.E) Owerri-Nigeria.
Nigeria as a country being circular in its nature implies a situation where people from other religions and ethnic nationalities and backgrounds are considered duly and considered to be accorded the necessary privileges both in the scheme of things and other wise. Let the above be as it may. Since the amalgamation of the various parts of the country in the year 1914, the journey to the actualization of great things has seemed an ardous task as the amalgamated protectorates have found it sacrilegious to co-habit with each other making the various parts of the country look tensioned and delicate if not fragile. The question every right thinking Nigerian should ask him/herself and answer is this. How did we arrive at where we are today? Is it by intention or omission? How well can we tolerate ourselves and live together? If impossible, how then can we all actualize self determination other than breed bitterness and bigotry. The above statement form the gamut of this study. A handful of data collection techniques were used in this study as interviews, periodicals, journal and the internet. The functionalist theory was adopted for this study thereafter,the conclusion was drawn.
Keywords: Understanding, Nigeria ,Circular Nation,Century And Implication
Challenges and Prospects of Legal Education in Nigeria: An Overview
Nanribet Fawngvilfotshak
Business Education Department, Federal College of Education Pankshin
The quality and integrity of the legal profession in recent times has been called to question due to the falling standard of legal education. Some lawyers have shown that they lack the intellectual skills to deal with simple legal tasks they handle; some lack the rudimentary knowledge of basic legal principles and some dabble into unethical conducts such as defrauding clients, bribing judicial officers and embezzlement of funds in their custody etc. This calls for reforms in legal education and the entire educational system in Nigeria. This paper examines the problems facing legal education in Nigeria from the early sixties to the present day. It discusses the challenges of legal education such as inadequate funding, too many law faculties, and explosion in student population, conservative curriculum, and uncommitted lecturers among others. To solve these problems efforts should be made to harmonize the
teaching and learning methods at the Law School and the Law Faculties in such a way that the Law Faculties would teach both the substantive and procedural law. The Nigerian Law School should be abolished and turned into an examining body responsible for organizing and conducting bar
examinations. If legal education is well funded and appropriate steps taken to remedy the problems highlighted in this paper, legal education and profession in Nigeria will greatly improve.
Keywords: Legal education in Nigeria, Law Faculty, Nigerian Law School, Council of Legal education, Lawyers, Clinical legal education.
Financial Innovation and Output Growth of Small and Medium Scale Industries in Nigeria
*Ugwuoke Augustine Chika; **Okonkwo Rufus Ugochukwu; & **Okoronkwo Chinonyerem Faith
*Corporate Affairs and Information (CAI) Department, National Productivity Centre, Enugu State Office. **Productivity Capacity Building (PCB) Department, National Productivity Centre, Rivers State Office.
The study assesses the role of financial innovation in output growth of small and medium scale industries (SMEs) in Nigeria using quarterly data from 2009 to 2016 as the sample period. It employs autoregressive distributed bounds testing approach (ARDL) and Granger causality test to ascertain the long run impact and the causal relationship between financial innovation variables and SMEs output growth. Evidence from the analyses reveal confirm the theoretical proposition that financial innovation contributes positively to the output growth of SMEs in Nigeria as the financial innovation variables of POS, MBK, ATM and INTB have positive and statistically significant impact on output growth of SMEs. The Granger causality test indicates that a unidirectional causal relationship runs from financial innovation variables to SMEs output in Nigeria. Based on this empirical evidence, the paper recommends that the positive impact of financial innovation variables (such as POS, MBK, INTB and ATM) on SMEs output demands that deposit money banks should not only improve but also expand the current level of financial service delivery channels in Nigeria by establishing more financial channels in both rural and urban areas.
Keywords: Financial Innovation, Output, Small and Medium Enterprises, Relationship, Long Run, Growth and Nigeria.
The Significance and the Role of Juma’at Prayer and Its Sermon (Al-Kutdba) in Inculcating Good Moral Conducts to the Muslim Ummuh
*Abdurrahman Dahiru Bello; & **Kabiru Abdullahi
*School of Arts and Social Scciencess. A.D.R College of Education, Legal and General Studies, Misau, Bauchi State. **Department of Islamic Studies, Adamu Tafawa Balewa College of Education, Kangere, Bauchi State.
This paper is an attempt to examine the significance of the Juma’at prayer to the Muslim community. Juma’at prayer is highly emphasized in Islam to the extent that anyone who abscond it for a three consecutive times is even considered to have left the religion of Islam behind. Because of its significance, all people around the town where the Juma’at prayer is being observed are compelled to participate to the prayer. Moreover, the Almighty Allah in order to tell us how important the Juma’at prayer is, He even reveled a whole verse of the Glorious Qur’an and named the verse after the this prayer that (Surat al-Jumu’ah); in this verse, many of the main functions of the Juma’at prayer are indicated while the remaining details of that are left for the traditions of the Prophet and the commentary of the scholars of the Islamic jurisprudence (the Islamic Fiqh).
Keywords: Juma’at, Prayer, Significance, Sermon and Moral.
At the Margins of Society: The Lies that build a Marriage by Suchen Christine Lim
Bello Usman; & Barde Musa Bate
Department of General Studies, the Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu
This essay will look at the short story collection by Singaporean writer Suchen Christine Lim; The Lies that build a marriage. The stories in the collection highlights the lives of people who are at the margins of Singaporean society. They are virtually forgotten by the government, the wider society and the mainstream media. These people live at the borderline of a relatively stable cultural and/or territorial area. There is a clear sign of an incomplete assimilation of two divergent cultures and as a result of this incompleteness these individuals are not fully integrated into any of the existing realities. Suchen Christine Lim’s life as an artist is closely related to the creative writing scene in Singapore especially, within the period that these short stories were published. The essay will illuminate the relationship between the state of Singapore and the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community in the city state. Lim was conscious of the government censorship of certain aspects of Singaporean life and society. Thus, Lim who sees herself as a chronicler of her society is acutely aware of her formidable task of recording issues that are regarded as socially taboo.
Keywords: Censorship, Gay, Human Rights Abuse, LGBTQ, Penal Code, Sexual Identity
Political Participation and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria; an Exploration of Fourth Republic
Suleiman Suleiman
Department of Social Sciences, College of Administrative Studies and Social Sciences, Kaduna Polytechnic
Political Participation And Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria with a particular emphasis on Nigeria’s fourth republic. The availability of participation opportunities and the concomitant enabling process and institutional pre-requisites, allied with positive political orientations to the political system, make it possible for citizens to choose their leaders at elections and also influence the public policy process, and ultimately, the longevity of the democratic system of government. The theoretical framework used was structural functionalism and research design used in the study was expos facto design and content analysis was used to evaluate the topic under discussion in line with each objectives. The study recommends among other things that, strong political mobilization can help in debasing rigging and other electoral vices in the system.
Keywords: Political Parties, Democracy, Democratic Consolidation, Fourth-Republic, Nigeria.
Vocational Education, Supportable Economic Growth and Youth Empowerment through Vsesc Oke-Ogun Polytechnic Saki, Nigeria
*Ajayi Johnson Kolawole; **Abdullah Suaib; **Soliu Razaq Adesina; & **Abolade Williams Lanre
*Department of Public Administration, the Oke-ogun Polytechnic, Saki (TOPS), Oyo state. **Department of Business Administration, the Oke-ogun Polytechnic, Saki (TOPS), Oyo state, Nigeria.
This study examines the impact of entrepreneurship education in Nigeria geared towards enhancing sustainable economic development in the country. Since entrepreneurship skills remain vital in the real sector and the sustenance of economic development, it has become imperative for government to pay attention to this sub-sector. The problem facing the country ranging from acute poverty, youth and graduate unemployment, dependency on foreign goods and technology, to very low economic growth and development among others has prompted government to introduce entrepreneurship studies in tertiary institutions. The study investigates importance of entrepreneurship education for sustainable economic development in Nigeria; identify challenges of entrepreneurship education in Nigeria and assess the challenges for promoting entrepreneurship education among Nigerian youth at the Oke-ogun Polytechnic, Saki. The study relies on documentary method which is qualitative and finds out that entrepreneurship education is important for sustainable economic development and a life skills that will enhance the potential of an individual, reinforces self-sufficient and improve the quality of education and life. The paper concludes that entrepreneurship education has been recognized as a key driver in sustaining economic development. It recommends that Nigeria youths be trained in various skills including: creativity and innovation, entrepreneurship skills, managerial experience and record keeping are indispensable.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Education, Sustainable, Economic and Development.
Impact of Orphanage Home on the Child Personality Development
Aforka Lilian Emeka
Department of Social Sciences, School of General Studies, Federal Polytechnic Oko
The orphanage home is one of the numerous social institution that have emerged over the year to carter for some of the social needs of orphanage associated with such problems. Motherless babies have nowadays become common because of the moral decadence of the society young people who cannot cater for themselves find themselves put in the family way they end up find abandoning those innocent helpless babies. The increasing hardship because of the present economic recession has increased the incidence of burden family relationship and the consequent loss of firm control of family members. This has tended as evidence by the increasing number of abandoned babies such babies have become the central focus of the orphanage home the impact of orphanage home on child personality development that is the behaviour pattern of social behariour on child personality development. The research try to compare children between the age of one (1) month to three (3) years that grows up in orphanage home to those that grow-up with their parent children from the orphanage behave in a unique pattern thereby displaying some certain social behaviour attitude that could be associated with the up bringing in the orphanage home. I want to find out the positive and negative aspect of orphanage home on children personality development generally. Any baby that lost his or her parent especially the mother by what every means become mentally ill once it is discovered the illness is taken from the mother by the orphanage children abandon in hospital or on the street are taken to the orphanage home. Social welfare services and training of professional social workers of all categories social workers can succeed out making their contribution towards realizing their objective of government in improving people welfare only after they have keenly understood the problem. The causes and the effect of those people on he community the desertation is an attempt toward such changes taking place and their documentation the study will focus on the impact of the orphanage home on child personality development in the later parts of his life. The Kaduna orphanage home is the birth child of Jammiyyar Matan Arewa. The Jamiyar Matan Arewa itself is a social organization of northern women established on the 27th May 1963 it was aimed at unifying the women folk and providing hem with a forum of welfare activities. The organization was to be non-political and it membership was to be opened to all tribes religions or social status at the very first meeting of the Jammiyar Matan Arewa which took place in the house of General Hassan Usman Katsina a steering committee was set up to carry on the task of mobilizing women for the association and also to plan and organize fund raising activities to meet up the financial obligation of the association.
Dateline 2023: Opportunities, Fears, Hopes
Revd. Fr. Francis Adeola Adeyemi, PhD
Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port-Harcourt
Nigerian became independent in 1960, the giant of Africa was ready to take off and join the orbit of great world powers. Indeed, many of gigantic projects actually took off and went a long way. With expectations and hopes, then, came a tragic civil war which threatened the cooperate existence of Nigeria. Somewhere along the line, around 1980s, things began to turn sour. Many hopes and expectations of previous decades were either postponed or completely abandoned one after the other. These hopes and expectations became mere dreams and even dreams became the act of faith possible only for the most optimistic. The soured system of leadership emerged, today, many Nigerians are traumatized and profoundly distressed as they live in a patently dysfunctional society that gives the impression that governance is non- existent. There is emerging evidence that the current situation of the country have some connection with the political impunity which pervades the entire nation with total collapse of social and economic infrastructure. This paper employs the doctrinal method to surveys the existence of opportunities, expectations and hopes as 2023 generational election is fast approaching. The paper is therefore calls for attention be focused on the need for religious tolerance; positive attitude towards politics; eschewing politics of ethnicity; and appraising moral values instead of Money.
Keywords: Hopes, Expectations, Dateline 2023, Opportunities, and Fears